Tremor – React components to build charts and dashboards
35+ fully open-source, accessible components for dashboards and charts. Built with React, Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
35+ fully open-source, accessible components for dashboards and charts. Built with React, Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.
React Scan automatically detects performance issues in your React app. Previously, existing tools required lots of code change, lacked simple visual cues, and didn't have a simple, portable API
One solution to deploy serverless workloads everywhere - Serverless Container Framework (SCF) is a unified development and deployment experience for containers on serverless platforms.
Coops nya AI-reklam har mötts av en kritikstorm på sociala medier. Nu tar matjätten åt sig av kritiken.
If your company is sick, you need to fix it. That means courageous decisions only you can make. You will need to dive in and operate sometimes. That doesn’t mean you create bottlenecks by deciding everything for years to come.
TrunkVer is a versioning scheme for continuously-delivered, trunk-based applications and systems that don't follow a release scheme. It is a syntax-compatible drop-in replacement for SemVer and replaces the version with meaningful meta data, telling you at a glance what the artifact is, when it was built and where you may find the build log.
Getting out of the daily grind of people's conjecture about what might happen and what is likely to happen and instead looking at what actually happens after the fact was a lot easier on my mind.
An exclusive list of the most promising SwedenTech startups that have also reached significant valuation milestones over the previous few years.
Features are a lot like problems. Problems have problem chains (i.e. problems, solutions, and new problems weave an endless chain that starts over and over again) and features have feature loops (features that lead to more features).
When you have a problem with an LLM, prompting should ideally be your first approach. Reach for finetuning, or smarter more expensive models once your prompts are as good as they can be - or you're leaving money and performance on the table.
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