I Got Fired Last Week. That’s a Good Thing. Here’s Why
It’s possible that getting shit-canned was the best thing to happen to me in 2013. Here’s why:
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
It’s possible that getting shit-canned was the best thing to happen to me in 2013. Here’s why:
"But Scott wait! What about me?" I hear you say "I don’t even have an idea, let a lone a good one!" Fear not friend, I am here and have 100 golden business ideas for 2014 just for you!
Finding really good JavaScript developers who know their stuff is hard! If anything, it’s driven a very simple point home to me: it is a good time to be a JavaScript badass. In the past few months, when I’ve found talented JS developers and tried to recruit them, it’s clear that they have as many doors open in front of them as they want.
Don’t get me wrong, the odds that I’ll go hang out by a pool somewhere all day are slim. I have a mountain of things I want to get through today. But they’re my projects. I chose them. Words don’t do justice to how liberating it feels. And it’s all because I quit my job on Friday.
To solve all this, the answer was clear as a spring Himalayan sky: Foundation 5 uses jQuery 2. In addition to better speed and industry acceptance, jQuery 2 benefits from better documentation and support as well. jQuery is API compatible.
I’m sick and tired of cramped websites that have tiny type and don’t use the whole screen well.
We all know that Git is amazing for storing code. It is fast, reliable, flexible, and it keeps our project history nuzzled safely in its object database while we sleep soundly at night. But what about storing more than code? Why not data? Much flexibility is gained by ditching traditional databases, but at what cost?
Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.
With thousands of commits a week across hundreds of thousands of files, Facebook’s main source repository is enormous–many times larger than even the Linux kernel, which checked in at 17 million lines of code and 44,000 files in 2013. Given our size and complexity—and Facebook’s practice of shipping code twice a day–improving our source control is one way we help our engineers move fast.
the issue queue remains the single most important collaboration medium for our team. Which means, learning how to properly write issues and comment on them is a pretty important part of the onboarding process for our new recruits.
"Promises" represent the next great paradigm in JavaScript programming. But understanding why they are so great is no simple matter. At its core, a Promise represents the result of a task, which may or may not have completed.
This is how I am deploying the build of my static website to staging and production domains. It requires basic use of the CLI, Git, and SSH. But once you’re set up, a single command will build and deploy.
Lately, I have started to see more and more problems with jQuery, at least my use of it. Most of the problems are with jQuery’s core and can’t be fixed without breaking backwards compatibility — which is very important. I, like many others, continued using the library for a while, navigating all of the pesky quirks every day.
After navigating any initial welcome screens, I go in search of empty states; views within the app typically devoid of content or data. Essentially a blank slate, an empty state can be used to form the first impression made on a user. It’s the importance of these views that I find so interesting as they can often be a good indicator as to the level detail put in to building the app.
Gitlab is open source software to collaborate on code. Besides code management it includes issue tracking, wiki and code review functionality. GitLab has fine grained access controls and advanced LDAP synchronization. More than 25,000 organizations keep their code secure with GitLab.
There is something thrilling about flying – soaring thousands of miles at unimaginable speed around the globe. However, somewhere between check-in and boarding, I realised something: Boarding passes are pretty awful. (via Rethink the Airline Boarding...
Encouraging your employees to give talks at a conference or meetup is generally perceived as a good thing. For GitHub in particular, it’s good advertising: it’s not like we’re going to start spending money on banner ads any time soon, and talking directly to our customers is some of the most effective marketing we can do. On the same token, it’s good for recruiting, too. We’ve never had a shortage of resumes.
Later, I asked a Singaporean friend why high-tech always-online Singapore has almost no online shopping. He said, "Shopping is something you go out and do with your friends! A few companies have tried to popularize online shopping in Singapore, but it has never worked."
By taking the expertise of our staff and combining their input with data from our most popular courses, we were able to create this list of top developer technologies/methodologies for 2013, and trends you should be prepared for in 2014.
Today we’re going to discuss an effective set of patterns for large-scale JavaScript application architecture. The material is based on my talk of the same name, last presented at LondonJS and inspired by previous work by Nicholas Zakas.
Webbyrån Fröjd, som bland annat står bakom den tekniska utvecklingen av Sweden.se, drar nu igång Fröjd Ventures, en satsning som ska hjälpa startups inom digital tjänstutveckling att växa och bli bättre – men kapitalet som lånas ut är inte pengar, utan tid. Under 2014 avsätter de 750 timmar som ska gå till en eller flera startups som får hjälp att utveckla en idé eller tjänst.
There are so many more benefits to writing short and sweet functions, but before getting into those benefits, let’s look at an example that we can refer to.
Less Overproduction (of unused functions in interface between team members) Less Waiting (for the only person who knows a particular area) Less Motion (as everyone gets more skilled) Fewer Defects (because two pair of eyes see better than one) Less Over-processing (from duplicate responsibility) Less Inventory (as team works on focused set of features and tasks) Less Transportation (handoffs inside a story) Less Underused talent (as everyone gets to share their skills)
Here are some of the actual cabin interiors for the Boeing 747s in the 1970s. They are awesome. (via Traveling in a Boeing 747 in the 1970s was pretty damn awesome)
This is a JavaScript guide intended to introduce new developers and help experienced ones to the JavaScript’s best practices. Despite the name, this guide doesn’t mean exactly "the right way" to do JavaScript. We just gather all the stuff from top developers and put here. Since it come from exceptional folks, we could say that it is "the right way", or the best way to do so.
Today I want to show you how these animations were created in a more detailed breakdown.
To help people learn more about how we work at Pinterest, we wanted to share the story behind Place Pins. Building a location-based product is a huge undertaking that can take many years to get right, and we wanted to make something that was beautiful, useful and different from other products right out of the gate. A small team of engineers and designers set out to figure out how we could accomplish this. We’re still planning to add lots more to the product, but we’re proud of what we’ve done so far.
How many of today’s British programmers have been put off at the outset by the brazen informality of this simple yet obscenely Americanised program, colloquially referred to as "Hello World"? A more Imperial, formal introduction might encourage a greater proportion of young British talent to remain with the language and thus give the broader community a more urbane air.
Horizontal code reuse offers advantages over inheritance in many situations, and could be considered an evolution of the exhortation to "favour composition over inheritance". However, some languages make horizontal code reuse easier than others.
As developers in one programming language, it is useful to know what solutions are offered in other programming languages for the same problems that we face ourselves. For programming language designers, we live in a golden age with lots of different ideas that I hope may cross-pollinate between modern programming languages.
A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript
At the end of the day, most people want to do amazing work. They want to surpass expectations, especially their own. Yet a lot of companies make feedback a formal process, waiting until the end of the month, quarter, or year to share how they actually feel.
Technology rarely vanishes, but your job might diminish, you might do nothing but horrible maintenance, you might become superfluous and chucked out the door. Today no one will help you become re-useful besides yourself. If you wait until it’s too late that steamroller will flatten your career.
Move up the value chain. If you can turn a design into code, learn to turn a spec into a design. If you can turn a spec into a design, learn how to understand a problem and produce a spec to solve it. If you can understand a problem, learn to talk to people and discover the problems they have so you can solve them for them. If you can do that, learn a million other things and run your own business.
Flight is a lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework that maps behavior to DOM nodes.
Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
Men för den som vill få mer i plånboken finns ingen bättre strategi än att byta arbetsgivare. Den genomsnittliga höjningen är hela 8,3 procent, medan de som stannat på sitt jobb i offentlig sektor hade en höjning på bara drygt tre procent.
Flera viktiga händelser i Mjärdevi under 2013 har bidragit till en stark optimism. Just nu pågår nyrekryteringar av 100 personer.
While tablets have most of the technical capabilities of mobile phones, people are choosing to use them for more specific functions.
I think programmers should pay much more attention to listening to and working with their peers than to rituals and tools, and that we should be skeptical of too much process or methodologies that promise to magically make everyone more productive. Maybe social skills come harder to programmers than to other people (I’m not convinced that’s true), but developing those skills will certainly pay off a lot more than trying yet another development methodology.
Artificial Selection is the gradual, predetermined process in which interface elements and components change as a result of observing a user’s interactions. The interface adaptations are made possible by external and historical information about the user.
Desktop as a Service (DaaS) helps bridge the gap between the cloud and a traditional desktop by allowing you to run your traditional software in the cloud and have applications appear on your Chromebook similarly to how they run today. An example might be your Windows based accounting application.
People get excited when they get to bring themselves to work all the way, when their viewpoint and creative energy is part of the company’s success plan and baked into it.
Brasilien andas stränder, samba och fotboll. Plus en del regnskog. Men alltför lite känner vi om internetekonomin i framväxt. (via Sol, samba och startups - IDG.se)
Turerna runt polisens it-haveri Pust Siebel är så hisnande så de är svåra att begripa. Varför bygger man först ett bra stödsystem för polisutredning, Pust Java, som poliserna är nöjda med, för att sedan – efter endast några månader i användning – ta beslut om att stänga ner det, för att bygga exakt samma funktioner i standardsystemet Siebel. Resultatet blev katastrofalt för verksamheten.
How do we achieve success in the business context of programming? Agile is a good start. Small changes are good. Pair programming is a bit of a pipe dream for most organizations, but if you have gregarious developers who talk to one another, they will at least understand what is going on in each other’s development trees.
That made me think, are there any IT workplace where programming is really considered a "team work", just like sport ? I sometimes felt like this with some coworkers, when we were under extreme pressure and someone needed help to fix some mess, or to design something complex, and frankly that’s some of my best memories.
While on the surface this is an article about routing, what I’m really talking about are regular expression based dispatch processes in general.
Efter den lyckade lanseringen av Pust Java togs ett strategiskt beslut att övergå till s.k. standardsystem. Avsikterna var goda, att minska förvaltningskostnaderna. Tyvärr gjordes ett dåligt teknikval – Siebel.
På samma sätt är min Sony-tv så svårhanterlig att vänner klagar på att de inte får igång den på egen hand.
Många affärssystem ÄR stenåldern och naturligtvis skapade utifrån "stenålderns" behov och förutsättningar. Det är hur lätt som helst att köpa ett affärssystem "över disk" om man är ute efter ett system där anställd personal skall stansa in order och följesedlar/fakturor skall skrivas ut på papper och skickas med snigelpost... MEN om man är på jakt efter ett modernt system så finns i princip ingenting tillgängligt alls.
In my opinion, legacy code is software that developers usually don´t know much about, and they might even be too scared to change it because it can break something in the system. The tendency is to ignore it until the day it stops working and you need to start putting out fires...
Posts generated by a Markov chain trained on the King James Bible, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, and some of Eric S. Raymond's writings Run by Michael Walker (barrucadu).
Ted, among other things, famously coined the phrase "Object-Relational mapping is the Vietnam of our industry" in late 2004. It’s a scary analogy, but an apt one. (via Coding Horror: Object-Relational Mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science)
Vi gjorde fel när vi publicerade en artikel där tio it-experter, samtliga män, uttalade sig om framtiden. Dels bör journalistik överlag sträva efter balans mellan kön, etnicitet och åsikter. Dels bör vi som verkar i en bransch som sedan tidernas begynnelse kraftigt dominerats av vita män sträva efter att lyfta fram alla typer av mångfald.
The technical infrastructure and code quality of a company are secondary factors in its success. The biggest influence they have is in the ability to attract and retain brilliant engineers, because most brilliant engineers don’t want to work in a place where they’re just treading water with bugfixes (which is the situation you eventually get into without automated testing).
We went from a handful of brittle tests to a large, resilient suite. We’ve gutted our continuous integration stack and reduced our build times from 1 hour to about 6 minutes, while simultaneously handling many times the number of builds. Most importantly, we’ve gone from an engineering culture in which most new code shipped without a single test, to one in which a proposed change without tests will quickly be called out and corrected. In short, we’ve not only become a team that believes in tests; we’ve become one that actually writes them.
Oracle is like COBOL; the only techies who like it are those whose job security depends upon it ;)
Writing your test first is like putting a golf flag at the hole.
Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
GSS is a CSS preprocessor & JS runtime that harnesses Cassowary.js, the JS port of the same constraint solving algorithm Apple uses in Cocoa Autolayout for iOS & OS X. GSS & Cassowary are based on "Constraint Programming" - a paradigm where developers focus on declaring the "what" and relying on a mathematical solver to figure out the "how". With more traditional Object-Oriented Programming, developers focus more on the "how". This makes Constraint Programming a natural fit for declarative languages like CSS.
Mt. Gox, he says, didn’t use any type of version control software — a standard tool in any professional software development environment. This meant that any coder could accidentally overwrite a colleague’s code if they happened to be working on the same file. According to this developer, the world’s largest bitcoin exchange had only recently introduced a test environment, meaning that, previously, untested software changes were pushed out to the exchanges customers — not the kind of thing you’d see on a professionally run financial services website.
Coding regular emails is hard enough by itself. Making them responsive shouldn’t add to the headache. A few simple, but solid patterns are all that’s needed to optimize emails for small screens.
Some engineers are limited due to the limits of their employer’s technology profile. If new technology projects aren’t available, you must make the difficult decision of moving on versus getting a steady paycheck at a solid organization.
"People don’t like us moving their furniture around, because you break muscle memory," says News Feed product manager Greg Marra.
Set of animated preloaders, that was made using simple shapes and trendy colors. This resource will perfectly fit your flat designed app or web projects.
Flash Player is dead. Its time has passed. It’s buggy. It crashes a lot. It requires constant security updates. It doesn’t work on most mobile devices.
Ny statistik från Sveriges Ingenjörer visar att det fortfarande finns stora löneskillnader mellan manliga och kvinnliga ingenjörer. – Vi ser att det finns skillnader som inte kan förklaras på sakliga grunder. Det är oacceptabelt att genus påverkar lönesättningen
För några dagar sedan faciliterade jag en Open Space Unconference på Spotify för Continuous Delivery guildet. Det blev en grym dag med många bra och väldigt givande diskussioner. Ett tjog intressanta initiativ projekt trillade dessutom ut i slutet av dagen.
Java totally rocks compared to what the rest of us have to use. I once spent six months working in FORTRAN on a Gould/SEL. The only editor I had access to was "ed", God help me.
Now look at the consultants and vendors who say they’ll get you started with "Agile." Ask yourself where they are positioned on the left-right axis. My guess is that you’ll find them process and tool heavy, with many suggested work products (consultant-speak for documents to keep managers happy) and considerably more planning than the contents of a whiteboard and some sticky notes. If you see this too, then it’s more evidence of the corruption and devaluation of the word "agile."
The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over the last few years to describe a particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. While there is no precise definition of this architectural style, there are certain common characteristics around evolutionary design, decentralization, deployment automation, and a smart-endpoints / dumb pipes approach to networking.
What if they built one layer of abstraction on top of those steps and rather describe the end state of the system we’d like the Linux machine to be and the underlying system will take care of examining state and executing commands to do so? Something like we use SQL everyday, to focus on WHAT instead of HOW. Let’s call this method Declarative Configuration
With Confetti you’ll be able to create a beautiful site for your event, handle signups as well as building that hype. No coding or design skills needed.
– För en 80-talist handlar arbete mycket om självförverkligande. Man vill ha roligt på jobbet och göra något meningsfullt, så arbete handlar inte främst om att göra rätt för sig. De duktiga 80-talisterna kommer att ta för sig och bli starka på arbetsmarknaden. De är orädda, effektiva och väl medvetna om att de kommer att ha goda möjligheter. De kommer att byta jobb oftare än tidigare generationer. Det är troligt att vi kommer att se en betydligt större skillnad i förutsättningar, lön och arbetsvillkor för högpresterande och lågpresterande medarbetare.
En skillnad mellan mig och min flickvän är att jag kan gå in på Pirate Bay utan att mötas av skumpande bröst och löften om lösaktiga kvinnor i mitt omedelbara geografiska område. Det kan inte hon, för hon har inte installerat Adblock.
This definitive guest post by Benny will teach you: How to speak your target language today. How to reach fluency and exceed it within a few months. How to pass yourself off as a native speaker. And finally, how to tackle multiple languages to become a "polyglot"—all within a few years, perhaps as little as 1-2.
...we were so shocked to learn that 20% of Spotify’s songs (4 million) had never been played. Not even once. A musical travesty, really. So we set out to give these neglected songs another way to reach your ear holes, and Forgotify was born.
So how do you redesign Maps for the next decade, those next billion trips? You throw everything out and redesign it from the ground up with the future in mind–and not just the future of smartphones and tablets, but also the future of Google Glass, the iWatch, and self-driving cars.
Two web designers have taken it upon themselves what an IMDb for 2014 would look like—and the results are pretty great. (via This Beautiful IMDb Redesign Concept Is Long Overdue)
So you’ve decided Amazon or GlobalHyperCorp are wrong in their design direction and need your suggestions (even as a bit of fun) make sure your redesign passes these few simple checks if you want anything more than an empty "like" or "appreciate this" on community design sites.
"If current approaches actually worked well, then by now, thousands of organizations would have reached a state of self-sustaining, "freestanding" agility. Clearly, that is not the case." Pondering the question, several possible reasons for this result (or lack of) occurred to me. These are speculative and based on my own experience and observations.
När du arbetar för mycket förstör du för alla andra på din arbetsplats genom att driva upp tempot, vilket i sin tur minskar möjligheten till utökade tjänster. Blir du sedan utbränd och sjukskriven har du även effektivt lyckats förstöra din fritid, ditt privatliv och ditt allmänna välmående. För att inte tala om dina karriärmöjligheter de närmsta åren.
According to Peter Werder and Philippe Rothlin,[1] the absence of meaningful tasks, rather than the presence of stress, is many workers’ chief problem. Boreout consists of three elements: boredom, lack of challenge, and lack of interest. These authors disagree with the common perceptions that a demotivated employee is lazy; instead, they claim that the employee has lost interest in work tasks
When employees are understretched, unmotivated and immeasurably bored, and then actively try – paradoxically – to maintain this condition, they are clearly suffering from boreout.
In my view, it doesn’t matter if even 80% of developers in the industry are "left behind". What matters is that we’re getting stuff done. Pick up new stuff at whatever pace you feel comfortable with and whatever pace you need in order to get stuff done.
generally speaking, millennials approach their careers very differently than previous generations. They expect to rise fast, and if they can’t, they look for other opportunities.
Det är kanonfint med vackra APIer och så där, men det viktigaste är ändå att informationen görs tillgänglig.
Att ge och ta emot beröm är ingen okomplicerad sak. Komplimanger kan lätt avfärdas som sliskigt smörj från någon som bara vill ha något i utbyte. Vissa blir obstinata och självkritiska av berömmet. Andra noterar det inte ens. Så hur gör man för att underlätta det som inte borde vara svårt?
You won’t always be young. And life won’t always be just about you. So travel, young person. Experience the world for all it’s worth. Become a person of culture, adventure, and compassion. While you still can.
An attempt to describe our engineering culture. This is a journey in progress, not a journey completed, so the video is somewhere between "How Things Are Today" and "How We Want Things To Be".
The main problem here is not that we’re late but that we have different perspectives and mistrust each other. We urgently need to re-create a shared view of where we are and want to achieve. We need to start building trust in each other again. The best way to do that I know is to work together, first on the plan and then on the work.
In start-up land, the young barely talk to the old (and vice versa). That makes for a lot of cool apps. But great technology? Not so much.
With the new ALIAS record, you can point your domain to a single host name (such as the proxy.heroku.com CNAME record) and we will return the IP addresses associated with that host name as if they were your own.
So maybe media queries aren’t the right tool for the job. What now?
Det amerikanska bolaget, som ofta kritiserats för sin nypuritanska moral, påpekade att namnet "TV4 Play", som appen från början hette, kunde utläsas som "foreplay", alltså förspel.
Hack is a programming language for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. Hack reconciles the fast development cycle of PHP with the discipline provided by static typing, while adding many features commonly found in other modern programming languages.
Microsoft is taking an approach that mixes the best of the competition with its own unique take. Based on a 26th-century artificially intelligent character in the Halo video game series, Cortana will debut as part of Windows Phone 8.1, the next big update for Microsoft’s mobile operating system.
While there’s no shortage of bad workplaces (I’ve seen many) and no doubt that journalists are suffering in some of them, there are two big flaws with the now common claim that openness is bad.
En förändring som kommit naturligt i samband med omorganisationen till ett förändrat arbetssätt är att utvecklarna har börjat arbeta närmare handläggarna som använder systemen.
In the heart of Stockholm a team of designers and engineers have been hard at work, mostly in secret, overhauling one of biggest names in music. (via Spotify’s quest to get it ‘just right’ through balanced design)
– En modern vd måste känna av nya trender. Världen har förändrats och det kommer nya generationer som vill ha mer egen tid. De vill inte jobba för mycket, vilket är positivt, säger Lars-Thomas Rasmussen.
ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which helps developers create and manage progress bars for any object on the page. You can design your own template for progress bars or simply customize them.
Är du aktiv i sociala medier så har du sett dem, artiklarna som delas av dina bekanta och som har rubriker som "They thought this whale was dead. Then something AWESOME happened that brought tears to my eyes".
Mediestrategen Ryan Holiday som skrivit den bästsäljande boken "Trust me I’m lying: confessions of a media manipulator" menar att Upworthy är experter på att leverera material som får människor att känna sig nöjda med sig själva när de delar det. Enligt Holiday sprider vi de goda videoklippen med förhoppningen att själva framstå som goda.
While the other browsers are heavily leveraging their auto-update capabilities by making frequent releases with new features, bug fixes and security patches, the IE team has yet to embrace an agile iterative strategy.
The basic idea is that instead of using a password to authenticate each user, a temporary secret code is sent to them over a secure channel. Email or SMS is that (mostly) secure channel.
programmingisterrible: I am not foolish enough to say that the way I write software is the only way, but I am foolish enough to believe how I approach software design might be helpful. This isn’t about project management, or algorithmic strategies, but how I fumble around until something works, guided by the scars of... (via programmingisterrible)
Bara 30 år gammal blev Linda Waxin vd för Sverigedelen på en av världens största pr-byråer. Plötsligt dör hennes pappa, mentor och förebild, i cancer. Det får henne att ompröva allt — och hoppa av sitt chefsjobb.
In short, Velocity is the best of jQuery, jQuery UI, and CSS transitions combined.
f you feel you are not growing, feel you can "do better", are dreading coming to work or are feeling bitter about your employer, it may be time to look outside.
Handcrafted pixel perfect icons tailored for the Modern UI style. Each and every icon is carefully crafted in Expression Design with vector in mind. Now hosted on GitHub finding new icons and tracking your requests is easier than ever.
– Vi vill visa att Göteborg är en het startupstad att räkna med. Vi vill uppmuntra folk att ta tag i sina idéer och utveckla dem. Det finns en förlaga som heter Stockholm Startup hack som vi tar inspiration ifrån.
Han säger att fler och fler studenter i dag är intresserade av att komma igång med egna såkallade startups - företag som utvecklar sin idé till något livskraftigt. Det kan vara att någon kommer på en idé som allmänheten har nytta av.
Själv blev han utskälld när han efter två veckors semester i Sri Lanka stannade ytterligare en vecka – för att jobba. "You need to learn to live your life", gormade en amerikanska.
Codeception is PHPUnit on steroids. Everything you need for testing is built-in and works just out of the box. No more pain in configuring Selenium, data cleanup, writing XPaths, and fixtures.
Having a bad development workflow will cost you a lot. It can make your senior engineers be productive like juniors, or even worse push them to leave the company. A great workflow can make push your good developers to be great and your best to be exceptional.
Integration tests are valuable because they focus on how the pieces of an application work together, but what they don’t do is tell us whether individual units of functionality are behaving as expected. That’s where unit testing comes in. And we’ll have a very hard time writing unit tests until we start writing testable JavaScript.
So, the first question you’re probably going to get in an interview is, "Tell me about yourself." Now, this is not an invitation to recite your entire life story or even to go bullet by bullet through your resume. Instead, it’s probably your first and best chance to pitch the hiring manager on why you’re the right one for the job.
Vagrant 1.6 will add a monumental feature to Vagrant: full Windows guest support. The ability of Vagrant to manage Windows environments just as easy as Linux environments has been requested for years and the time for complete, official support has come.
In conclusion: in highly specific use cases, Docker is certainly a possible replacement for Vagrant. In most use cases, it is not.
The nature of the defects inspired me to write my own proof-of-concept unit tests to reproduce the errors and verify their fixes. I wrote these tests to validate my intuition, and to demonstrate to others how unit tests could have detected these defects early and without heroic effort.
Whatever your group type, GroupSpaces can help you save time on boring administration tasks and put the fun back into being part of a thriving group. Thousands of group leaders trust GroupSpaces to safely store their member data, communicate with members and help manage their groups online.
Hur kan det fortfarande vara lika viktigt att lära ut syslöjd och träslöjd, men helt ignorera alla kompetenser som har att göra med vårt digitala samhälle?
The OS X Terminal opens up a world of powerful UNIX utilities and scripts. If you’re migrating from Linux, you’ll find many familiar commands work the way you expect. But power users often aren’t aware that OS X comes with a number of its own text-based utilities not found on any other operating system. Learning about these Mac-only programs can make you more productive on the command line and help you bridge the gap between UNIX and your Mac.
DOIs form the backbone of the academic reference and metrics system. With a DOI for your GitHub repository, your code becomes citable.
The following TLDs all had MX records
The Sass versus LESS argument has been done to death. In this article I’ll explain why Sass really is the best and why you should start using Sass if you haven’t already.
Jobben görs ofta för reklambyråer som har uppdrag åt företag och organisationer. Första året har hon bland annat tagit fram ett interaktivt provrum för klädkedjan Björn Borg och en fem meter hög gripklo som går att styra från internet.
The default value for the type attribute of button elements is "submit".
we need to update our best practices to use async attribute instead of script-injected scripts. In short, script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful.
The frameworks that are left now are Ruby on Rails, for php CakePHP, Fat-Free, Nette, Symfony and Zend, for Java Struts2, GWT, Play! ZK, for GoLang beego and Revel.
The promise of the internet of Things is a world where objects think on our behalf, what I’m calling anticipatory computing, for example checking into a flight automatically as I enter an airport terminal.
I want to take a moment to elaborate on what makes a well formed commit message. I think the best practices for commit message formatting is one of the little details that makes Git great.
Having to dig up a bank account number is inconvenient and mistakes are common. Almost everyone has a debit card in their pocket, though. Building your payout flow around debit cards enables a simpler and less error-prone experience for your users.
Don’t give up the fantastic capabilities of git just because you have a huge repository history or huge assets. There are workable solutions to both problems.
Roger Germundsson tror att enkelheten i kombination med möjligheten att köra allt i Wolfram Researchs molntjänst kommer att locka många nystartatde företag, särskilt inom området sakernas internet kommer att vara intresserade.
Meteor is a full stack framework/platform that runs on top of Node.js on the server. Angular is a client only framework, running only in the browser. Both are awesome, so I will try to provide a very high-level look at each, when I’ve used each, and what really stands out about each.
When a programmer builds a completely custom solution and ignores the conventions used by the application or environment they’re building for, it has two costs to the business.
Simply put, spreadsheets are good for quick and dirty work, but they are not designed for serious and reliable work.
Unfortunately I cannot come close to recommending Joomla. Looking through the core code of the system is an exercise in frustration at best.
This is not your parents’ PHP. The new PHP is a more mature language with community standards, a growing affinity for interoperable components, and a passionate movement to improve performance.
Den tiden då man skrev långa affärsplaner är förbi. Saker rör sig så fort idag så att skriva en affärsplan för tre år är värdelöst. För om tre månader ser läget annorlunda ut. Ingen bryr sig om affärsplaner idag. Tio till tolv slides räcker gott, säger serieentreprenören.
Can you have other functions besides display? I don’t know. This is something that the gurus must answer. Where does the display function come from? Again, I don’t know. Hope that someone else can help here.
Let me be blunt: Stock photography needs to die.
Are your configurations drifting? Do you have pockets of automation? Is your systems documentation trapped inside the heads of your staff? GuardRail can help.
The way we’re working isn’t working. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a job, you’re probably not very excited to get to the office in the morning, you don’t feel much appreciated while you’re there, you find it difficult to get your most important work accomplished, amid all the distractions, and you don’t believe that what you’re doing makes much of a difference anyway. By the time you get home, you’re pretty much running on empty, and yet still answering emails until you fall asleep.
the reality is some organizations treat the departing employees as ‘dead stock having shorter shelf life’. The common thought is that ‘he/she is leaving X days from now, why should we support him?’. Always the experience on the ‘last days’ with the organization will last longer than normal working days.
Swift-the-language I’ve just finished (quickly and lightly) reading the manual for, so I’ll suggest you take my commentary with a grain of salt, but I can point out some things that might be of interest to rushed readers who don’t see the obvious bits quite so obviously as someone recently working in this space
webpack is a module bundler. webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
If you’re into agile and lean this is of course not new, in fact you could say that it’s common sense to, but in fact the longer you wait the more work you create. Waiting creates extra work, if you like that better.
– Jag hade tänkt konsulta i flera i år, men... När jag kom i kontakt med det här tyckte jag att det var så himla bra. Jag bara måste hoppa på. Nu har jag avsagt mig alla andra uppdrag.
But no matter where you are in your career, it’s never too late for a gap year. Time off for travel, experimental projects and self-improvement are important for being productive and creative. So grab your passport — it’s time to see the world! (via...
Yahoo is doing actual object recognition in searches now, automatically generating tags from things it recognizes in your images. Is there a cat in your picture, but you didn’t tag it cat, or bother to tag it at all? No problem, Flickr’s new search will see the cat and transparently add a "cat" tag, surfacing it in search results. The same goes for dogs, horses, sunsets and a variety of other subjects.
– SAP har inte varit känt för ett bra användargränssnitt, säger Bill McDermott.
Kommunens investeringsprojekt kan nu ses på en tredimensionell digital karta över Linköping. Än så länge bara av politiker och tjänstemän men till hösten ska medborgare också kunna använda den. (via Linköpings investeringar syns i 3 D - Nyheter -...
Swift beskrivs som ett modernt, flexibelt, snabbt, och framförallt mer välkomnande programmeringsspråk för nya användare.
Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility.
Agile @ Spotify – bakom kulisserna - Agila Sverige 2014 - Space 4 juni
Now that you’re acquainted with basics of emotional web design, how does this website make you feel? How does your own web design feel?
Varför är det fortfarande som att det är mer på riktigt att göra ett "riktigt" radioprogram än en populär podcast, eller att vara med i teve-teve istället för en webbserie med många fler tittare – eller för den delen att skriva artiklar i en vanlig tidning istället för bloggtexter?
I am continually amazed how much better my code becomes after I’ve had a peer look at it. I don’t mean a formal review in a meeting room, or making my code open to anonymous public scrutiny on the internet, or some kind of onerous pair programming regime. Just one brief attempt at explaining and showing my code to a fellow programmer – that’s usually all it takes.
If you’re serious about programming, you should demand to work with your peers.
Best advice I can give to anyone who is looking for a job right now, is to stay away from solo projects. They might seem great, but slogging it alone is a masturbatory experience which doesn’t help you grow as a programmer.
Instead of giving you a single favicon.ico file, RealFaviconGenerator generates all the pictures and HTML code you need to get a cool, mobile- and tablet-ready favicon.
Man ska vara på plats på jobbet. Annars räknas det inte.
Här är de 7 misstag som gör att sajten inte "fungerar väldigt bra i mobilen".
För att göra väntan lite roligare har Liseberg nu satsat ungefär en halv miljon kronor på att ta fram en spelapp på temat Helix. Alla som står i kön kan tävla mot varandra och resultaten presenteras både i de egna mobilerna och på stortavlor.
Angular is a client side framework aimed at creating rich web applications. It adds logic declaration to the normally static HTML in order to provide a dynamic user experience.
Öppen källkod är ett utmärkt sätt att visa sin kompetens, och det på flera plan. Du visar inte bara att du faktiskt kan hantera det programmeringsspråk du påstår dig kunna, utan även att du kan sätta dig in i en befintlig kodbas och rådande kodkonventioner. Det kan även säga en del om hur du fungerar i grupp och framförallt ett konkret bevis på ditt driv.
To gain the benefit of caching by popular proxies, avoid revving with a querystring and instead rev the filename itself.
Nu väntar sommar med skinande sol, semesterlättja och bad. Men det är i höst det verkliga högtrycket sätter in - åtminstone för it-branschen. Här är sex tecken på att det blir en stekhet höst.
"The only way a side project will work is if people give themselves permission to think simple, to change their minds, to fail — basically, to not take them too seriously," says van Schneider.
The API will enable front end developers to build themes on WordPress without needing to know PHP or many of WP’s quirks," McCue said. "I believe it will really open up WordPress as a framework that’s easily accessible to everyone.
Martin Bruse som är en av nio utvecklare på Soundtrack Your Brand är mycket nöjd med Googles språk Go. Han ser det som en lyckad kombination av enkel syntax och avancerade funktioner.
It would mean that an airline would have to become a technology company (which just happens to own metal tubes that fly). Such an airline’s core competence would be in building systems to super-serve customers with information and solutions and relevant suggestions based on rich data.
This sort of deep manipulation of the system is something that was simply not possible before in Drupal. All the alter hooks in the world couldn’t do this much. The concepts sound abstract, but when you get right down to it, it’s actually quite simple and the code is surprisingly short.
The practicality of such CSS-based history snooping attacks could be improved greatly if we had a way to design an n-to-2n decoder circuit with the styling elements available on visited links.
This isn’t a rant; instead I’m trying to highlight some of the current challenges I see in the Australian startup scene – which could be a reason why we don’t see more successful startups or investments in our lovely country.
Developers should engage with the user to learn about their experience, whether good or bad. If things are peachy, then asking them to leave a review seems reasonable. If not, find out why so that you can make things better for them.
I’m excited to see all the projects that have come out lately that are simplifying the process of animating for the web. With the increased browser support for performant animations and more people starting to work with them more seriously, I would like to believe that we are about to enter the golden age of web animation.
Build powerfully simple browser apps.
We generally don’t like being alone and we don’t work well in isolation. In fact, in order to do our best work we need to work with other people. None of these traits are bad things, quite the opposite. They’re what makes us who we are, they make us, well... human.
What organizations need to learn is not how to follow some "agile recipe". Organizations need to learn how to learn. That is, how to come up with experiments and how to evaluate if those experiments improved things or not.
How many are on the verge of hitting the big time, how many are out of business, and how many got acquired?
Cleverness is only ever justified if it makes the structure and behaviour of your program clearer. Clarity is king, not concision. Keystrokes are cheap compared to the amount of effort it requires to read your obfuscated code.
The hardest part of the learning journey is thinking in FRP. It’s a lot about letting go of old imperative and stateful habits of typical programming, and forcing your brain to work in a different paradigm. I haven’t found any guide on the internet in this aspect, and I think the world deserves a practical tutorial on how to think in FRP, so that you can get started. Library documentation can light your way after that. I hope this helps you.
Part of my role at Twitter and Stripe involved interviewing front-end engineering candidates. We were given a fair amount of discretion on how we went about interviewing, and I developed a few different sets of questions that I thought would be interesting to share.
JavaScript Allongé is a book about programming with functions, because JavaScript is a programming language built on flexible and powerful functions. JavaScript Allongé begins at the beginning, with values and expressions, and builds from there to discuss types, identity, functions, closures, scopes, and many more subjects up to working with classes and instances. In each case, JavaScript Allongé takes care to explain exactly how things work so that when you encounter a problem, you’ll know exactly what is happening and how to fix it.
Joomla is like trying to teach a man to fish at a rodeo
Den märkliga historien har sin grund i att Transportstyrelsens utskicksrutiner är nästan helt automatiserade. Mannens adress har 29 tecken – gränsen för Transportstyrelsen är 28 tecken.
The next version of JavaScript comes with a module system heavily inspired by Node.js modules. Here’s how it works.
I think subconsciously more and more people are figuring out something is wrong or lacking with Ruby development, but they are lashing out at the wrong things. Oh, your Ruby app is a steaming pile of shit? It’s because you weren’t diligent enough writing tests or you weren’t following TDD principles closely enough.
Haml (HTML abstraction markup language) is based on one primary principle: markup should be beautiful. It’s not just beauty for beauty’s sake either; Haml accelerates and simplifies template creation down to veritable haiku.
Pyramid is a very general open source Python web framework. As a framework, its primary job is to make it easier for a developer to create an arbitrary web application. The type of application being created isn’t really important; it could be a spreadsheet, a corporate intranet, or a social networking platform. Pyramid is general enough that it can be used in a wide variety of circumstances.
You’ve come to the right place to learn everything you need to deploy and run a production Python web application.
I’m dedicated to making this the perfect introduction to Meteor for beginning developers. There should be enough content for beginners to sink their teeth into in the mean time, in either case.
I ran across a post on reddit the other day asking why Meteor.js wasn’t everywhere, and the amount of FUD surrounding meteor.js made me a little sad. Let’s dive into some of the reasons people cited.
Below are a few broad reasons I’m excited about Meteor.
Json Résumé. is a community driven open source initiative to create a JSON based standard for résumés. There is no reason why there can’t be a common standard for writing a résumé that can be extended with an ecosystem of open source tools.
Racket is a full-spectrum programming language. It goes beyond Lisp and Scheme with dialects that support objects, types, laziness, and more.
Use this simple tool to help you pick a domain name, name a pet, or even name a child! Have fun, and enjoy.
Before recently joining Stripe, I did no work for 5 months, and aside from writing a few blog posts and getting to Gold League in Starcraft, I achieved very little. It was wonderful.
I have a couple side projects I’d like to work on. That’s not right. I wouldn’t like to work on them. I would like to have worked on them.
In cultures such as parts of Southern India, Malaysia and Indonesia, a large number of people have names that consist of a given name only, with no patronym. If you require family names, you may create significant problems in these cultures, as users enter garbage data like "." or "Mr." in the family name field just to escape the form.
A browser for the HTML5 era Entirely written in Javascript. Free. Modular. Hackable.
Hur det gick för killen som sparkade mig i magen under snöbollskriget? Han skickade mig ett meddelande på Facebook och undrade om jag kunde hjälpa honom att få jobb. På Spotify.
For all of you that have ever tried to code for joomla, you’ll know that information is either very abundant, for simple questions, or non-exisitant, for anything more complex. If you’re anything like me, you find yourself scurrying through pages and pages of search results, only to say "stuff it" and go file by file through the source code to find what argument you’re meant to be passing into some rarely used Joomla Function.
Integrating startup acquisitions is challenging and can fail for any number of reasons including lack of attention. As it turns out, successfully integrating an acquired company teaches us a lot about keeping any team engaged and productive.
Swagger™ is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.
We want to provide API documentation to our customers and partners which is easy to read, nice to look at, and does not take a lot of effort to create and maintain. This is why we decided to use API Blueprint, a definition language for web APIs that is based on Markdown and conforms to the GitHub Flavored Markdown.
So I’d like to quickly and visually explain why the Bootstrap grid works, not necessarily how. Let’s check out this one weird trick about how Bootstrap does its magic.
On Saturday, a Twitter account appeared that perfectly predicted the outcome of the final World Cup game, down to who scored the winning goal for Germany. It was a con—and a classic one.
Plenty of people on social media aren’t seeing that. No. They’re looking at those two bulbs dangling, that circle-within-a-triangle design and saying what your middle schooler and your psychotherapist were both thinking: That looks like genitalia....
– Sedan är det trögt att få elever att välja naturvetenskapligt redan på gymnasienivå. Egentligen är det obegripligt, det är ju där det finns karriärsmöjligheter.
You’re a day-zero Swift expert, and if you’re not, you could be a year-zero Swift expert even if you wait for iOS 8 to ship. The niches are all still open. Read everything.3 Write something. Get involved. Try out new patterns, see if they work. Tell people what you discover.4
Nokia at its peak was used by 1.4 Billion humans on the planet - more people used Nokia than drink Coca Cola.
Banking transactions are inconsistent, particularly for ATMs. ATMs are designed to have a normal case behaviour and a partition mode behaviour. In partition mode Availability is chosen over Consistency.
Vanligen drar vi ner på tempot något under sommaren men i år provade vi något nytt. Idén kom för några veckor sedan och genom att koncentrera befintliga utvecklare på att ta fram koncept, design och utveckling lyckades vi lansera väldigt snabbt.
Resultat är gôtt. Helst utan ansträngning. Det finns arbete och extra arbete. Arbete är det som ger resultat. Extra arbete är allt därutöver - det meningslösa som inte ger något resultat, utan bara är just extra. Att bli av med allt det där extra, det är gôtt.
A meeting that drones on and on is hardly productive. Keeping a meeting to 15 minutes is ideal for the same reason that TED talks are maxed out at 18 minutes: attention span and memory.
With just a handful of hacks, meetings can be speedier, more productive, and more enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are 9 outside-the-box ideas—and the science and success behind them
checks if the Dashboard or the administration panel is attempting to be displayed. It should not be used as a means to verify whether the current user has permission to view the Dashboard or the administration panel
A reddit live thread’s multiple contributors can post updates, and anyone watching gets sent those updates immediately without having to refresh.
Because of the constantly changing and distributed landscape of email, we’ve decided to tackle this problem with a distributed solution: we’re open sourcing our library so we can hack on this together!
The inaudible ten-track recording has delivered the band a very real payout from Spotify of nearly $20,000, and the band is proceeding with plans to book a U.S. tour.
Thanks to Meteor it was possible to create this project in under two weeks as a single developer and Amir is able to get feedback and make crowducate better and bigger over the time.
A new modern CMS to create and share
A visual explanation
By bringing in the RFID logo, the idea is to make people aware when items they’re carrying can be tracked, and help them decide whether or not they want to buy items with smart chips inside them. (via Anything with an RFID chip in it will have to...
Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there’s no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you’re left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept? How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned?
While there is extensive user-documentation, the PHP language has always been missing a language specification. We are excited to announce the initial draft of a specification for PHP.
Episerver publicerar automatiskt ett varningsmeddelande på sajter som ej betalat för sin licens. I felmeddelandet uppges även hur många registrerade användare som finns på Coop.se, eller i vilket fall hur många som Coop har betalat för: 700 000 stycken. Det är känslig information som en kund rimligen inte vill dela med sig av till omvärlden.
If you’ve never used an automated system administration workflow before, or if you’ve only ever run cookbooks that other people have provided for you, this article will give you a much better sense of why the idea of treating "infrastructure as code" matters.
One of my great joys in software development is relishing the feeling of raw productivity. The competing and converse feeling, for me at least, is pain. It’s painful when I’m not productive and it’s pain that robs me of potential productivity, the so-called "good days at work." There are many sources of pain in software development, but none more obvious than a rigid and chaotic codebase. This psychological effect takes a toll on team morale which, in turn, causes productivity to lag.
Igår stängde anmälan till årets upplaga av East Sweden Hack. Vi är mycket glada att kunna berätta att antalet anmälda lag har mer än fördubblats jämfört med föregående år. -Det är totalt 26 lag som anmält sig, berättar Anna Broders
Your APIs should do this. There should be a single endpoint for the resource, and all of the other actions you’d need to undertake should be able to be discovered by inspecting that resource.
2014 Logo Trends on LogoLounge.com
...there is way too much trust required, way too many possibilities for mistakes to happen. Contrast this with Bitcoin: all Bitcoin requires is trust in three cryptographic algorithms which fit in a few thousand lines of code
De har kallats Pippi Långstrumps barnbarn, homo zappiens och inte minst generation Y. Nu är de ifrågasättande 80- och 90-talisterna på väg ut i arbetslivet och författaren och coachen Emma Pihl menar att arbetsplatserna vinner på att generationsanpassa sitt ledarskap så att alla anställda kan komma till sin rätt.
There are other similar apps out there, but Jump is beautifully designed, and should go down well with commuters and visitors alike. (via Jump: A slick, Real-Time Bus-Tracker for London-Dwellers)
One of the questions I get asked most frequently is what do – and __ mean in your classes? The answer is thanks to BEM and Nicolas Gallagher...
There are over 600 typefaces in the Google web fonts directory. Many of them are awful. But there are also high-quality typefaces that deserve a closer look.
What’s the best thing about our hackathon? We were able to build cool stuff and have a lot of fun at the same time! I hope hackathons will become a tradition in Netguru
Flera webbplatser som ska informera om den stora skogsbranden klarade inte belastningen och slutade fungera. Det har gett ett enormt genomslag för sociala medier.
Both Salt and Ansible are easier, faster, and more reliable than Puppet or Chef.
If you need to extract data from a web page, then the chances are you looked for their API. Unfortunately this isn’t always available and you sometimes have to fall back to web scraping.
By moving away from thinking of the objects in my application as something to be stored in a database and instead thinking of the database as a data type, I’ve found working with a database from an application to be much simpler. And wondering why I didn’t see it earlier.
In the Web era of development, Waterfalls are finally out. Agile is in.
Twice in my career I have left corporate jobs for startups. The first time I left was because I wanted to be in an innovative work environment where we would be inventing and creating technology that never existed. I tasted what it was like to work in a fast moving amazing technology company. I felt alive and the energy from my team was amazing.
Blir detta nästa stora bloggtrend? – Vi har fått över 700 medlemmar på bara en vecka, så jag skulle nog vilja säga att trenden redan kommit.
Users can access WixHotels through the platform’s app market and then install it onto their primary dashboards. It frees up the need to know how to code with a built-in system that allows you to add your room inventory.
every javascript project you should be looking into.* *with examples, categories, install commands, CDN links, project and author stats, and more.
We’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal. For now it’s only a very lightweight signal — affecting fewer than 1% of global queries, and carrying less weight than other signals such as high-quality content — while we give webmasters time to switch to HTTPS. But over time, we may decide to strengthen it, because we’d like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web.
You may want these for a presentation, a blog post or for the site featuring your brand new awesome lightbox script (please no!). All logos are high resolution with transparent backgrounds.
Microsoft’s own Services Design guidelines provides a good initial summary on why OData-like services are a Services anti-pattern:
Nir Goldshlager, a security researcher from Salesforce.com’s product security team, has discovered an XML vulnerability that impacts the popular website platforms WordPress and Drupal. The vulnerability uses a well-known XML Quadratic Blowup Attack — and when executed, it can take down an entire website or server almost instantly.
Let’s talk about a few cases where either REST or HTTP (which is clearly RESTful in its design) solves a common web development problem.
As we laid the groundwork for Hacker Paradise, we wanted to ensure that retreat participants were more diverse than the usual suspects, caucasian males in their twenties. We approached the problem head on — as a result, 14 out of 30 the applications from our initial outreach came from women. Here are some lessons we learned along the way.
This post aspires to be README.txt for your career as a young engineer. The goal is to make you happy, by filling in the gaps in your education regarding how the "real world" actually works. It took me about ten years and a lot of suffering to figure out some of this, starting from "fairly bright engineer with low self-confidence and zero practical knowledge of business."
The idea behind Oracle data redaction is to prevent access to sensitive data in specific columns whilst still allowing access to data in other columns for a given table. There are three methods by which an attacker can gain access to redacted data.
As a rule, it is impossible to host more than one SSL virtual host on the same IP address and port. This is because Apache needs to know the name of the host in order to choose the correct certificate to setup the encryption layer. But the name of the host being requested is contained only in the HTTP request headers, which are part of the encrypted content. It is therefore not available until after the encryption is already negotiated. This means that the correct certificate cannot be selected, and clients will receive certificate mismatch warnings and be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
Istället var det en för forskarna på Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap oväntad stressfaktor som stack ut, dramatiskt. 26 procent svarade att en stor stressfaktor var att lednings- och rapporteringssystem är dåligt anpassade till arbetet.
En diskussion som fortfarande pågår i branschen är hur mycket trafik en kommun- eller myndighetswebb egentligen ska behöva tåla. Det enkla svaret är; så mycket det krävs.
Free and open source, Ionic offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components for building highly interactive apps. Built with Sass and optimized for AngularJS.
Mixture packages together the best front-end development tools and practices into a quick and easy to use Mac & Windows application.
YC Hacks was life-changing for me, in an incredible way. Better than any prize, this weekend showed me that I could do this. I could build and execute a concept. I could write code and create a beautiful design and it would work. I could make an entire web app come together without having to hire a developer or a designer.
Hackathons aren’t about the judging or the prizes. They are about hacking
People who land on your website are looking for its content, usually via a link. They would have clicked that link expecting one thing, so why show them a hand-drawn panda? Instead, your 404 page should get them to where they need to be.
Did you check the time and date settings on the 630? It might be the other devices have it set automatically and the 630 does not and if the date is wrong it can cause the cert not to be trusted - happened to me more than handful of times
A progress control provides feedback to the user that a long-running operation is underway. A determinate progress bar shows the percentage of completion of an operation. An indeterminate progress bar, or a progress ring, shows that an operation is underway.
"We’re having a problem sending email out of the department." "What’s the problem?" I asked. "We can’t send mail more than 500 miles," the chairman explained.
Bill was maintaining a piece of old legacy code that took 40,000 lines to perform what is essentially a logistic regression. ... the program was on the brink of collapsing under the weight of its own complexity. These projects are career death for engineers, because one doesn’t learn transferrable skills by doing them, and because maintenance slogs don’t have a well-defined end or "point of victory".
Nu ger jag upp. Windows phone är ett modernt och enkelt system. Nokias lumiamobiler är bra och prisvärda. Men apparna verkar aldrig komma ikapp. Att försöka sköta Facebook från en Windowsmobil är så frustrerande att jag hellre låter bli.
The line between editorial content and advertising in news media is blurrier and blurrier. That’s not bullshit. It’s repurposed bovine waste
This release marks the end of life of the PHP 5.3 series. Future releases of this series are not planned. All PHP 5.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to the current stable version of PHP 5.5 or previous stable version of PHP 5.4, which are supported till at least 2016 and 2015 respectively.
För många med arbete tar semestern nu slut. Utvilade och med sprudlande lust är det dags att ta itu med jobbuppgifterna. Eller?
Lime Text is a powerful and elegant text editor primarily developed in Go that aims to be a Free and open-source software successor to Sublime Text.
Jag tycker att det är en väckarklocka för att vi sitter i djup skit. Svenska medier är beroende av Facebook för att få trafik och det innebär att vi är beroende av en sajt som helt godtyckligt och efter eget huvud tar bort saker.
The word "together" is a powerful social cue to the brain. In and of itself, it seems to serve as a kind of relatedness reward, signaling that you belong, that you are connected, and that there are people you can trust working with you toward the same goal.
Gridlover gives you adjustable css for font sizes, line heights and margins. The default css output is for body, p and h1 - h4 headings, but you can of course apply your adjusted values to any element by editing the css later.
– Jag har erfarenhet av att personer har valt att gå ner i lön, för att få ett jobb man mår bra av. Man värnar mer om sig själv och sitt välmående i dag, säger hon.
You have flirted with giving us users a taste of our data, but still favor using it to feed your increasingly expensive recommendation engine that still thinks Skrillex would be just perfect on my Michael Buble radio station
Just as translators aren’t the ones solving diplomatic crisis’s between countries, coders won’t be the ones solving problems in the future.
It is flattering to be offered new opportunities weekly, but that also means that the competition between you and the other recruiters is devastating. Fortunately for you who are reading this, there are a few quite simple things you can do that would set you apart from the rest of the lot.
In today’s App Store environment, it’s more important than ever to market and demonstrate your apps in the best way possible. A video is essential for informing potential customers what your app is all about. With Apple soon giving developers the...
the biggest sin of Agile consultants was to over-simplify the software development process and underestimate the real complexity of building software systems.
Vi vill mer än gärna bidra till att fler kvinnor vågar välja IT-branschen och det var därför vi kom på den här idén med att stötta ett tjejlag till East Sweden Hack.
The issue is that when installing a plugin, the files do not get copied over to the ios platform. Based on something I read in that link, if you have already built the ios app and then add any plugins, any subsequent builds will fail. The way I solved it was I removed the ios platform
Även i paneler på temat "diversity and culture" var det unga män som pitchade sina bolagsidéer. Mestadels var det ca 9 vita män i 30-åldern som kretsade runt och på scenen
PendelPanda. Ett hjälpmedel i första hand för den som har ungefär samma resväg varje dag. Appen visar hur många minuter det är kvar till den buss eller pendeltåg avgår som du oftast brukar åka med.
The story about Hackaway — how we created a hackathon out of the ordinary.
In the past, configuring a local PHP development environment on your machine was a headache. Installing the proper version of PHP, required extensions, and other needed components is time consuming and confusing. Instead, consider using Laravel Homestead.
Here’s a look through some of the cool features you can find in Foundation that aren’t in Bootstrap.
Client-side operations are fine during the initial prototyping phase, but for a real-world production app, Meteor methods will usually prove a safer approach!
If there is only one component value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom margins are set to the first value and the right and left margins are set to the second. If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.
After working with Joomla! I’m much happier that I have to work in Wordpress and Drupal most days.
What probably happened behind the scenes at the 9th September Apple Keynote stream that continued to fail (via The failed 9. sep. Apple livestream – Blog post - Simon Fredsted’s blog)
You might have noticed that by default, the label on a tag is centered vertically in all browsers.
There are, however, five things I wish I had asked myself before starting this painful journey. Five questions I believe every future entrepreneur should ask himself before taking the first step to entrepreneurship:
"The heads-down IT person who’s just programming is becoming less and less attractive to employers, because you have to be able to communicate with your business partners or their customers," Browning says.
Laravel Liferaft provides a fresh, innovative way to contribute to Laravel. After creating a Liferaft application, simply recreate your issue. You are free to define routes, create Eloquent models, and even create database migrations! The only requirement is that your application is able to run on a fresh Laravel Homestead virtual machine.
Systemutveckling har länge dominerats av män. Men nu börjar det röra på sig. Företagen växlar upp och allt fler kvinnliga nätverk byggs upp. "Det är absolut ett ökat intresse", säger Therese Thorstorp på Microsoft som håller i eventet Codess. (via...
Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.
As a human proxy moved towards the hole, the robot rushed in to push it out of the path of danger. But when the team added a second human proxy rolling toward the hole at the same time, the robot was forced to choose. Sometimes, it managed to save one human while letting the other perish; a few times it even managed to save both. But in 14 out of 33 trials, the robot wasted so much time fretting over its decision that both humans fell into the hole.
We’ve introduced this health check model to several other companies as well and heard similar results, so we figured it’s time to write an article
Chalmers Innovation tar en topplats på världskartan över framgångrika företagsinkubatorer. - Detta är grymt bra, säger Per Sahlin, företagscoach. Nu är målet att dubbla flödet av idéer och företag.
Både små startups och riktiga jättar vill då och då komma ut i media. Som journalist tar jag dagligen emot pressmeddelanden och telefonsamtal från hoppfulla företag i alla stadier av sin utveckling. Här är mina tips för dig som försöker nå ut i media.
We’ve slowly been refining the way we structure our CSS at Trello. I can firmly say it’s pretty okay now, nearing on good. This is our whole deal with CSS, broken up into the following sections.
Personal devices like smartphones and wearable devices are made up of nothing but details. The next few years promises to continue to be kind to those who grasp control over that minutia and don’t let go. It’s not the only way, but it is Apple’s way, and the new iPhones are representative of that.
Vissa konsultbolag är öppna med allt. Där har konsulten lika mycket information som vd:n. Medan andra är väldigt restriktiva, där verkar den anställde endast få se sin egen konsultprofil. Min åsikt är att ju mer transparent bolaget är desto mer...
And this is what we built during the hackathon: Pendel Panda an awesome app to encourage commuters (and people) to take the bus by making it as easy and pain-free as possible, and by providing a willing assistant to be with them every step along the way in the form a… grumpy panda bear.
CSS Shapes allow web designers to wrap content around custom paths, like circles, ellipses and polygons, thus breaking free from the constraints of the rectangle.
An attempt to describe our engineering culture. This is a journey in progress, not a journey completed, so the video is somewhere between "How Things Are Today" and "How We Want Things To Be".
This talk is about using programming languages more effectively, and using that experience to create and select better programming languages. There are bad practices in software development that are so old and well established that it is difficult to recognize the problems they cause. There will be a review of the new good parts in ES6. JSON will also be mentioned.
Att gå på konferens är en välkommen paus i "the daily struggle". Om man inte kommer ivåg på sådana här grejer slutar man som en bitter 35-åring.
The culture is what creates the foundation for all future innovation. If you break the culture, you break the machine that creates your products.
– Jag tror att alla som kan programmera bra kan det för att det är något allvarligt fel på dem. Till exempel måste du vara en otrolig optimist för att kunna vara en bra programmerare. Du kan inte vara en normal balanserad människa, du måste vara galet optimistisk. För utan att vara det kan du inte göra avlusning, och avlusning är det vi programmerare gör mest.
In Chrome & Firefox (with Firebug 11.2 ) you can add CSS in console.log messages: console.log(’%c Oh my heavens! ’, ‘background: #222; color: #bada55’);
How to reverse a linked list is one of the most commonly asked data structures interview questions. Here we have both an iterative and a recursive solution for this problem.
With JavaScript we can detect when our CDN-hosted JavaScript resources like jQuery or jQuery UI aren’t loaded successfully and try again to load them from local locations. The basic idea for CDN fallback is to check for a type or variable that should be present after a script load, and if it’s not there, try getting that script locally.
Swift is Apple’s entirely new, modern, type-safe programming language for Cocoa development. Swift has been in development for 4 years, and was just announced this year at WWDC.
An 8 iPhone comparison from all iPhone versions taken with Camera including, the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, and the new iPhone 6 in a variety of situations to test the camera’s capabilities. (via...
You see, I recently designed a timeline to present users with a view of their tax history. Naturally and probably subconsciously, as a user of Facebook and Twitter, the first thing that came to mind was a timeline. Since this is the first tax season our users will be interacting with their tax data in this format I cannot speak to whether it is a successful way to do it or not. Instead, here’s what I learned along the way.
In the bug, players converge in the center circle, including goalkeepers, and go a bit nuts. A spokesperson for EA sports said, "There is a rare bug affecting a small number of FIFA 15 fans playing on PC and who have named their PC with four characters or less. We are working to address this bug as soon as possible. In the meantime, fans experiencing this bug can rename their PC using more than five characters to resolve the issue."
I am not awesome. I am not a rockstar, superstar, ninja, or guru either. The ‘cult of awesome’ that too frequently crops up in the technology industry is a problem and it breeds a culture of egos and aggrandising that can be self defeating.
We have an employee whose last name is Null. He kills our employee lookup application when his last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now).
Twitter summary of a meet up talk http://www.meetup.com/Peking-Hackers/events/204436932/ Unit and functional tests alone aren’t enough to test large cloud services at scale. Cloud services not only need monitoring, but they also need continual testing. We will explore use of big data and deep technical understanding to verify a cloud service is working on each and every request. This big data puzzle is filled with lots of ambiguity, very messy and heterogeneous data, and a dynamic and changing datacenter and codebase. Obstacles include how to gather all the data we need to make product decisions, respect privacy, and not drown in useless data. Chris Mitchell is a Principal Development Engineer for Microsoft Developer Center Norway "Big brains, big data" with Chris Mitchell from MSFT at #pekinghackers pic.twitter.com/mOiE11I2Cz — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Log everything. Logging an error after it occurred is too late. Manually turning on logging is out of question. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Telemetry is hard to get right. Need a mix of schema and textual debug output. Hard to save in a database with terabytes of data a day. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Use map-reduce to handle log data spread out over multiple nodes, instead of one huge database. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Use map-reduce to handle log data spread out over multiple nodes, instead of one huge database. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Parallelization of data operations can reduce the needed processing time from years to seconds. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Latency and timeouts are tricky to estimate and set. Usually a lot of wasted time. Log it and analyze. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Visualize the log entries to identify bottlenecks and problems. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Every time the service changes (upgrades, patches) look at the log for changes and patterns to identify problems — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Store log data for a short period. Process and save the insights, throw away the rest. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Try to understand the data. Data is the new currency. Statistics is fundamental, and working knowledge is essential. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014 Logging about the logging, to avoid too expensive log generation. — Kristofer Palmvik (@KPalmvik) September 22, 2014
Darcs is a free and open source, cross-platform version control system, like git, mercurial or subversion but with a very different approach. Thanks to its focus on changes rather than snapshots, Darcs can offer a freer way of working, and a simpler user interface.
Right now we do a lot of business-oriented projects – an Android or IOS front-end paired to a huge backend, mostly based on the Microsoft Stack and Python. IOS is very much in demand in the Valley. Tomorrow, it could be something entirely different. If you say you’re just a Java developer, the next technology to come along is going to make you a dinosaur.
I recently spoke at the Nordic.js conference in Stockholm about women in tech — the organizers had seen my "How to get more women in tech in under a minute" Ignite talk and were looking for something that would introduce the predominantly male audience into issues surrounding gender inequality, in an accessible way.
In examining HR within startups, we find a series of antipatterns in their creation and implementation. Maybe these come from ignorance more than malice, but they nonetheless result in negative outcomes for the business and its employees ranging from mild to severe and even criminal consequences.
What has been seen can be soothed, mew
Tre företag – Bouvet Syd, Evry Consulting och Ework – hade lämnat in anbud där de erbjud it-konsulter med timpriser på 0 kronor eller 1 krona. Men det mest uppmärksammade rekordet stod it-konsultföretaget Experis för. I en konsultkategori erbjöd de it-konsulter för minus 11 kronor per timme. Myndigheterna skulle med andra ord få betalt för att använda konsulterna.
Spotify blöder pengar. Enligt sin senaste årsredovisning gick företaget med 445 miljoner kronor i förlust. Sedan lanseringen 2008 har de förlorat en dryg miljard kronor.
Microsoft’s Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF) and associated application blocks are excellent pieces of software. However, for a developer coming to them for the first time they can be extremely daunting. I’m going to write a series of short articles that assume you are a developer coming to this for the first time and are confused as I was.
We try to hire people who don’t necessarily have all the answers but are curious and interested in learning and growing.
Jag ställde frågan till mannen om han tyckte om det var rimligt med kvinnlig rösträtt och han höll med. Då vill jag hävda att du är feminist, sa jag. Bara för att vi kommit en bit på vägen innebär inte det att värderingarna förändrats.
Tillsammans med två kompisar bestämde jag mig för att ägna sommaren åt att lösa vårt problem. Vi visste ingenting om hur man driver företag. Vi visste inte ens hur man bygger en riktig webbsida. Men vi visste att vi ändå måste lösa problemet. Det spelar ingen roll hur snygg lösningen blir, bara den funkar.
I don’t think it’s sensationalist [to say that developers are depressed]," Tiago Braun, developer at digital consultancy 5 Star Lives, argues." We all know the geek stereotype and that it’s difficult to socialize, but that’s only one problem. Our work is done individually, so we might end up spending hours without communicating with other co-workers. It’s something that really annoys me, personally.
By adding schema.org markup to the emails you send your users, you can make that information available across their Google experience, and make it easy for users to take quick action. Gmail, Google Search and Google Now all already use this structured data.
I was able to load all the client side templates on the server. That means now we can write template helpers targeting server side and render those templates on the server.
Angular is a client-side MVW JavaScript framework for writing compelling web applications. It’s built and maintained by Google and offers a futuristic spin on the web and its upcoming features and standards.
Problembaserat lärande (PBL) är en pedagogisk metod som lägger fokus på problemlösning. Utifrån ett givet scenario arbetar studenterna i små grupper där de själva ska komma fram till vilken kunskap som krävs för att lösa problemet. PBL används idag vid ett flertal utbildningar och universitet runt om i världen. Så även vid Linköpings Universitet. Trots detta känner många nya studenter sig osäkra på hur PBL fungerar. Detta ville psykologstudenten Nils Isacsson råda bot på. Han bestämde sig därför för att göra en film.
One of the reasons for AngularJS’ success is its outstanding ability to be tested.
Basically, mq allows you to import changesets to a patch queue, where they can be manipulated. In this way, previously immutable changesets can be modified. One such modification is the concept of folding, where one more more changesets are combined to produce a single changeset with the equivalent effect.
Do you know why kittens and puppies are so cute? It’s so we don’t fucking eat them.
Livet är fanimig för långt för att läsa tekniktidningar vars chefredaktörer kör Norton antivirus.
When I design new web projects, I always start by thinking about the mobile experience before I move on to larger screen sizes, and I personally feel like Foundation has a slight edge with block grids and collapsible rows. However, I do still enjoy using Bootstrap when I just need a quick site without much customization, because I find that Bootstrap is easier to theme.
his is not another do-it-yourself website builder. The Grid harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to take everything you throw at it - videos, images, text, urls and more - and automatically shape them into a custom website unique to you. As your needs grow, it evolves with you, effortlessly adapting to your needs.
Now that we have a whole rainbow it makes referencing difficult beyond hex values. In other words, the colors need an equivalent for casual conversation — something with soul. (via Giving Colors More Colorful Names | Viget)
Crate is a new breed of database to serve today’s mammoth data needs. Based on the familiar SQL syntax, Crate combines high availability, resiliency, and scalability in a distributed design that allows you to query mountains of data in realtime, not batches.
This class teaches algorithms for extracting models and other information from very large amounts of data. The emphasis is on techniques that are efficient and that scale well.
As you can see, to develop the state of the art web application right now, you don’t need Angular nor jQuery.
I stället arrangerade Kambi ett internt ”hackathon” i höstas, där utvecklare och tekniker samlades för att testa nya idéer. De hade redan tittat på Logstash och Elasticsearch som ett alternativ, och nu utvecklades en konfiguration så att Kambi kunde låta loggarna samlas in och sparas lokalt i varje datacenter men ändå söka igenom dem som en helhet.
So, what about PEAR? PEAR served the PHP community for many years, and I think it’s time now to make it die.
What if we skipped the password and deliberately used the password recovery process instead? Could we turn it inside out, reduce the clicks, and make this annoying experience a positive one? If so, an answer to broken passwords might be hiding right at the center of the problem.
Meteor is probably the most well-known isomorphic project today. Meteor is built from the ground up to support real-time apps, and the team is building an entire ecosystem around its package manager and deployment tools.
Vietnam’s business capital, Ho Chi Minh City continues its ascent. "The city has spawned Flappy Bird and with 70% of the population under the age of 30, the energy and buzz in this country will continue to build on its growing startup scene,". (via...
One could say that with "mob programming", the number of people involved in pair programming has simply been cranked up a bit. I quickly learned that there’s more to it
We want to provide a helpful tool that people can use when major disasters strike, so we’ve created Safety Check – a simple and easy way to say you’re safe and check on others. (via Introducing Safety Check | Facebook Newsroom)
Reservoir sampling is a family of randomized algorithms for randomly choosing a sample of k items from a list S containing n items, where n is either a very large or unknown number. Typically n is large enough that the list doesn’t fit into main memory.
Begriper man digital skalbarhet så förstår man nämligen att bristen på jobbskapande är en feature, inte en bugg. Så långe det du säljer är digitalt behöver inte organisationen växa för att försäljningen växer.
Most developers know enough about refactoring to write code that’s pretty good. They create short methods, and classes with one responsibility. They’re also familiar with a good handful of refactorings, and the code smells that motivate them.
Nej, du får inte ha mer än ETT foto på familjen på ditt skrivbord! Nu är vi ju Lean!" "Vi har infört Lean på den här vårdcentralen, så alla tidsbokningar är lika långa och din tid är nu ute!" "I och med Lean har vi standardiserat våra arbetsprocesser. Ska du jobba här är det din uppgift att följa dem, inte att ifrågasätta dem!
Console.SetOut redirects the console output to the StringWriter I just created, so after executing the DoWork method, I can examine what was written to the ‘console’.
I’m always interested in the development details of other products, particularly their styleguides and approach to CSS. Given my penchant for the otherwise inane CSS details, I decided to write a bit about GitHub’s CSS.
Inspired by Mark Otto’s post Github’s CSS I thought I would quickly jot down how Lonely Planet’s CSS is structured. I thought it was interesting to read some of the parallels and it’s good to share how we work.
This post is a primer on how we do CSS at Ghost, and how parts will be done going forward. So, with all that said, let’s dive in!
In light of a growing number of cyber security and data privacy concerns, replacing HTTP with its secure alternative, HTTPS, is becoming increasingly important.
Insändarskribenten ber oss att kliva fram, inte för vår skull, utan för hans och alla andra ensamma killars skull. Det här är en av anledningarna till att många tjejer spelar under ett alias som inte visar att de är just kvinnor. Vi vill inte bli raggade på, vi vill spela.
When you learn something, write about it, and don’t do it just to make money off it.
Any company stingy enough to steal its employees’ frequent-flyer miles is not an employer that can grow your flame or take you to the next step on your path.
I want to know which hashing function(s) to use and how to pick a good salt in order to have a safe and fast password protection mechanism.
Flow adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality. In particular, static typing offers benefits like early error checking, which helps you avoid certain kinds of runtime failures, and code intelligence, which aids code maintenance, navigation, transformation, and optimization.
"I want this thing to start a meme of girls screaming, ‘I don’t need a Brian or a Steven!’" (via Barbie F*cks It Up Again)
Arbetsgivaren måste bevisa att de har en kul och bra arbetsplats att erbjuda. Annars kan de glömma talangerna.
Till exempel tar alla kök i regionen Instagrambilder på måltiderna varje dag för att använda i förbättringsarbetet.
Every user should get the exact same HTML for the same URL, regardless of state, geographic location or time
The simplicity and modernity that is often seen in Western Web Design gave these users the impression of not providing enough information, which made them uneasy and engendered a lack of trust.
– Jag rekryterade några studenter redan förra året och det föll ut väl, så vi vill utöka den modellen och anställa lokala studenter, träna dem i Indien och ta tillbaka dem till Sverige, säger Sundar Sankaralingam.
For so many hackathons, the end-game is "create the best X and win a prize". I really, really don’t care. In fact it puts me off, and makes me less likely to attend.
JavaScript" is as related to "Java" as "Carnival" is to "Car
NCrunch rocks. It has spoiled me for IDEs that don’t offer continuous compilation and testing functionality.
In a world of agile development and super-tablet-multi-magic-laptop-phones, the best layouts can’t be contained in a single framework or technique. CSS Libraries are a bloated mess of opinions about how to do your job. Why let the table-saw tell you where to put the kitchen?
All testers do exploratory testing Some do it more deliberately and in All testers do exploratory testing. Some do it more deliberately and in intentionally skilled ways. This tutorial considers both the ideas of exploration and several of the skills you can develop and tools you can use to do it better.
Mob Programming is a development practice where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer.
Using brand-new not-yet-released Knockout.js features, along with Yeoman, Gulp, and Karma to build large single-page web apps in a very modern style (while still retaining backward compatibility all the way to IE 6!).
Med detta blogginlägg vill jag inspirera andra att våga utmana sig själva och att våga göra saker som känns lite obekväma. Det behöver inte vara stora utmaningar, utan kan vara små saker i vardagen.
React is one of those currently hottest frontend technologies. The new great idea in React is Virtual DOM Rendering.
We are building first-class support for both Grunt and Gulp in Visual Studio "14" with full extensibility. Now we’re ready to ship a preview of this support as an extension to VS2013 and would appreciate your help testing and exploring this feature.
This project is an example of how the popular FizzBuzz game might be built were it subject to the high quality standards of enterprise software.
One of the things we’re incredibly excited about at Buffer is transparency. A big part of that is because being transparent simply feels like the right thing to do, intuitively. That by itself, seems reason enough to pursue it.
Global hospitality startup Airbnb is launching a major update to its mobile web experience today in an effort to reach more users accessing the site on their smartphones. The update not only will make the mobile site more attractive and usable for potential guests, but will also make future development easier as Airbnb moves to more responsive design.
Now, I am not going to go through the details as to why it doesn’t work, but there is a simple reason it doesn’t work: time. More specifically, order of changes.
The JavaScript world seems to be entering a crisis of churn rate. Frameworks and technologies are being pushed out and burned through at an unsustainable speed. But I think the community will adapt and adopt new practices in response. Developers will move, I believe, from monolithic frameworks like Angular.js and Ember to a ‘pick n mix’ of small, dedicated libraries to mitigate the risk of churn and to allow solutions to different concerns to compete separately.
Why would someone pay $70 for this? But once again, Google has all the answers you need. After taking some time to really get the essence of Sublime Text, I fell in love with it. Here’s my setup.
JSConf is a series of JavaScript conferences from around the world and here we release the conference talk videos for free as fast as we can after every event.
Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications. It complements React’s composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow. It’s more of a pattern rather than a formal framework, and you can start using Flux immediately without a lot of new code.
I’ll just write my own debounce function. And if I write it myself, I’m probably going to want to test it. However, I’m probably not going to want to expose it globally. I mean, why would I expose it when it’s just a simple implementation only meant for my particular use case?
This page talks about the design forces and use of the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API for JavaScript modules, the module API supported by RequireJS.
Unfortunately, the assumptions are wrong, which is why deployment freezes often have the opposite of the intended effect.
In addition, we boosted the official Symfony Blog with lots of new articles and a faster post publishing pace to provide you more contents. In case you missed any of them, this is the top 10 list of the most popular blog posts in 2014:
Software engineers should write because it promotes many of the same skills required in programming. A core skill in both disciplines is an ability to think clearly. The best software engineers are great writers because their prose is as logical and elegant as their code.