Vi latar oss för lite
Innan stearinljuset och glödlampan sov vi när det var mörkt. Och det kunde bli många timmar. Att sova fem timmar per natt är för lite. Punkt.
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
Innan stearinljuset och glödlampan sov vi när det var mörkt. Och det kunde bli många timmar. Att sova fem timmar per natt är för lite. Punkt.
I dagsläget är idén om kiosken som en tjänst (KaaS) för svårt för de småföretag som driver kiosk, men allt eftersom sensorer, dataanalys och IT-infrastruktur på fickan blir mer överkomliga och lätta att använda öppnas några fler möjligheter.
2015 was a big year for Meteor! In case you haven’t been keeping up on all the latest news, we’ve put together a brief list of some things you should be aware of going into 2016.
I like CSS pseudo-classes. They come in handy for adding little enhancements to interfaces based on interaction.
The Javascript pendulum has swung from restrictive, monolithic frameworks to modular, boilerplate-hindered libraries. Soon enough, I’m confident it will settle in the middle between rapid development and customization.
Kommunicera tydliga mål. Ge medarbetare kontroll över sina arbetsuppgifter och se till att de kan styra över sin tid. Belöna ansträngningar. Ge personalen förutsättningar att kunna påverka och bidra till förbättringar. Se till att det finns möjlighet att utvecklas i sin roll Etablera ett positivt och stöttande arbetsklimat
Here I am, at the end of my holiday vacation, reviewing what I accomplished during my time away from my job. I had made big plans.
User experience is no longer just the remit of designers. Everything from server infrastructure, to API design, to button interactions, to the colours in the branding can effect the experience of the things we design and build.
Container query is a work in process CSS feature. With it you can apply media query to an element instead of viewport.
"Never give up" is easy to say and therefore gets repeated a lot. It’s still not true and that makes it tremendously bad advice.
Facebook believes that the number 1 trend in 2016 (in relation to its messaging app) will be the disappearance of the phone number.
There’s no combined feed. If someone wants to look at your shit, they have to click on you. There’s no public view count, follower count, likes count, or any other social dick-measuring contest. You can just put whatever you’re doing on Snapchat; if people don’t like it, who gives a fuck, you’ll never know. There’s no expectation of balling out 24/7.
I completely understand the appeal of snapchat; it’s basically LSD in social network form... The intimacy of shared human experience, the infinite nowness, the mindfuck UI, the altered values, the sense of sacred space, etc.
These tips and best practices are not just for development - but how to operate Node.js infrastructures, how you should do your day-to-day development and other useful pieces of advice.
I wanted to explain how we implement Redux, a certain flavor of Flux architecture, in MeteorJS
My notes for Dokku on Digital Ocean.
This UI has a special role: it is a social mediator. It’s standing in for the user and speaking for them; the UI becomes part of their digital body language.
When asked to build housing for 100 families in Chile ten years ago, Alejandro Aravena looked to an unusual inspiration: the wisdom of favelas and slums. Rather than building a large building with small units, he built flexible half-homes that each family could expand on. It was a complex problem, but with a simple solution — one that he arrived at by working with the families themselves. With a chalkboard and beautiful images of his designs, Aravena walks us through three project...
When parts of the community are viciously turning on the people that have introduced millions of users to the currency, you know things have got really crazy.
Time Machine over Wi-Fi is pretty similar to using a backup drive that often develops bad sectors or randomly shuts down and restarts itself at times. Your data could get lost mid-write – even worse, critical file system data structures could get damaged and render your entire backup volume useless.
Inför eftermiddagens diskussion med vår leverantör fick jag några menyer att att titta på. Eftersom jag ändå skrivit ner några snabba kommentarer till dem i ett dokument kan jag väl lika gärna publicera mina tankar här?
Libraries helps you find new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
Technical skills can be bought/acquired, whereas it is very hard to buy a deep understanding of market needs.
Getting credential storage right is not easy. You may be using PKI correctly, you may be careful not to check passwords into your source code repository, but you need to put your secrets somewhere.
The requirements document is now called backlog and the requirements are called user stories. Then you think you are agile.
Shitpics happen when an image is put through some diabolical combination of uploading, screencapping, filtering, cropping, and reuploading. They are particularly popular on Instagram.
Feature toggles are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code. They fall into various usage categories, and it’s important to take that categorization into account when implementing and managing toggles. Toggles introduce complexity. We can keep that complexity in check by using smart toggle implementation practices and appropriate tools to manage our toggle configuration, but we should also aim to constrain the number of toggles in our system.
OOP is supposed to help us manage state and model problems in terms of familiar objects, but it turns out to be really, really easy to put behaviors in the wrong objects and thereby produce Frankenstein entities that make no natural sense.
Feature flags are a quick win for development teams seeking a way to more rapidly release software but can create unexpected technical complexity.
Any time you’re discussing a practice, ask out loud: what are our goals with this practice? Why do we do it? What benefit does it give us? What benefit could it give us?
To apply Branch By Abstraction we model an abstraction layer in front of the old and new component entry points, and delegate to the old component at build-time while the new component is under development. When development is complete, we release an application artifact that delegates to the new component and delete the old component.
It’s no secret that Meteor is in a state of flux right now.
Work in progress costs something. It costs something to organize work, to switch between different tasks, to manage expectations. You can only handle so much before the work itself begins to suffer.
Meteor is in a unique position to solve that challenge for you, and in essence become the best possible platform to build React apps.
How should we write an application and what are the recommended libraries?
The URL is a navigation element and a promise to the user about which content she will come to and how it is organised in a possible hierarchical structure.
The statement reads "SLASSCOM will with utmost caution evaluate any trade agreement and we reiterate that we will not support any agreement that is detrimental to the industry and the country."
I’m still just geeking out that I can finally deliver an application over the wire the way I’ve always wanted to without having to be a programming genius.
I really like Cycle.js. It is simple and declarative. But it has two caveats.
If somebody tells you they tested their website on Android, laugh evilly and show them this slidedeck
Even the developers of Angular realised, that something’s wrong with it.
The year 2015 has surely brought a lot of interesting things, new approaches, new design styles, new technologies, new tools, and so on. But what’s to come in 2016?
Let’s go through the basic steps of crafting a quality card-based design.
Genombrottet för mobilt internet låter vänta på sig. Nu hoppas branschen att det skall komma nästa år, när nästa generation mobiltelefoner, GPRS, kommer. Men fortfarande vet ingen. Branschens problem är att det ännu inte finns efterfrågan på alla de fantastiska tjänster som tas fram.
When I started with Angular, I had a colleague refer to it as the "SharePoint of JS frameworks"
Imagine a monkey that crawls through your code and infrastructure, injecting small failures and discovering if it results in member pain.
I was listening closely and took from them what I thought were their best ideas about design. Below are the secrets I learned from them.
För att bygga nära relationer, välfungerande team behöver vi feedback för att förstå oss själva och de andra och hur vi påverkar varandra så att vi trivs och har roligt tillsammans.
British branding and design guru Paul Bennett explains that design doesn’t have to be about grand gestures, but can solve small, universal and overlooked problems.
The past year has brought many changes to the email world. Between the introduction of new email apps, Yahoo (finally!) supporting media queries, and more, the email marketing world is alive and ever-changing.
I can always read text. I can’t always sit and watch a YouTube video with sound.
The idea that you can manage performance through an annual conversation is as outrageous as expecting to manage your marriage through your anniversary.
The times I feel I’ve made most difference to our team’s effectiveness is when I find ways to not build things.
Dribbble community grew into desiring complete aesthetic Porn, with "function" going out the window and only caring about "form".
Some millennials might remember dial-up, Gen Zers can’t remember a time without technology at their fingertips.
Linköping och Norrköping sticker ut på listan. Stockholm är fortfarande den stad man helst vill jobba i men Linköping och Norrköping kommer på en stark tredjeplats, slagen endast av Malmö.
En lösning som kan hjälpa dig att få en bättre överblick på arbetsuppgifterna och mer gjort är pomodorotekniken
Vi trivs i en logisk tillvaro, med rimlig arbetsbelastning och en korrelation mellan arbetsinsats och belöning. Vi mår bra av samhörighet på arbetsplatsen, av att få känna oss kompetenta och bli utmanade, samtidigt som vi behöver få känna oss delaktiga i beslut och processer som rör vår arbetsvardag. Vi mår också bra av att stanna upp och reflektera över vår arbetssituation och vad vi behöver. Både individuellt och i grupp.
Avoid creating new arrays, objects, functions or any other new identities during render or in Redux connect(mapState)
2016 bjuder designtrenderna på både nytt och en del gammalt
HTTPlug is a useful new approach to abstracting the HTTP client implementations in the apps we build.
Another piece of old, insecure web infrastructure is about to be killed off. Oracle says that it’s discontinuing its Java browser plugin starting with the next big release of the programming language.
Vissa som har satsat på agilt på allvar har vunnit rejäla fördelar. Motiverade team, tajtare leveranser, nöjdare kunder, högre transparens och ett tydligt budskap till nya potentiella kollegor: "Kom till oss, vi skeppar faktiskt grejor och vi har kul när vi gör det".
Den som tror det har ätit fel sorts svamp till frukost.
How do you go about creating a positive and enthusiastic working environment that breeds a culture of high morale and high productivity levels amongst your employees?
If people aren’t having fun at work, then you’re doing it wrong. People don’t give their all if they aren’t having fun, and fun is a major protector against brownout.
Det perfekta hemmet säljs långt före att huset är byggt. Målgruppen är allt. Värdeord, identifikation, koncepttänk, sånt blir viktigare.
An escalator that carried 12,745 customers between 8.30 and 9.30am in a normal week, for example, carried 16,220 when it was designated standing only.
Hemnet är ett Big Data-företag med mer kunskap än någon annan i Sverige om bostäder och svenskarnas husdrömmar. Tänk en framtid där Schibsted bygger och säljer hus i Sverige. Eller så kanske man bara säljer siffrorna.
Our latest research charting the average house price across each of the 280 tube stops on the London Underground network. The research highlights where on the London Underground offers the best value where house price is concerned, as well as the largest gap in average house price between two stops.
The last few weeks have seen an explosion of discontent with the quality of the core apps of Apple’s iPhones, iPads and Mac computers – not only its OS X and iOS operating systems, but programs and services such as iTunes, Music, iCloud and Photos. Not only do the programs work poorly for many users, but they don’t link Apple devices together as reliably as they should.
Apple does state it is compatible only with El Capitan
Force the lookup of specific hostnames without providing specific anchors using that hostname by using the rel attribute on the element with a link type of dns-prefetch
So, are you tired of this old and bored git log screen? How about this one
Being able to prioritize and cut features can be one of the hardest parts of being a designer, but doing so allows you to get designs out in the world in order to validate and build a better experience for the next iteration.
If a test respondent is unwilling to give you her time, reputation or money, then they doesn’t really want to use your product.
Remove functionality and test. Gauge completes and satisfaction. Don’t just assume that each feature is needed, or that adding more features actually makes the product better or easier to use. Make test respondents demand that you put that functionality back in to complete the task based on their actions, not their words.
We want advertising to benefit our users and be a resource, not an eyesore. We want advertising on Stack Overflow to be better for our users and advertisers than anywhere else.
In the coming weeks, we will restrict access to articles on if you are using an ad blocker. There will be two easy options to access that content.
The main non-technical reason I argue for leaving the www. in URLs is that it serves as a gentle reminder that there are other services than the Web on the Internet.
Meteor is working on a reactive GraphQL implementation, and they released a high-level technical documentation yesterday
Dropbox’s CSS codebase has grown to a considerable scale. Dan talks about how their CSS has grown, the pains of inheriting a large CSS codebase, and some of the approaches for refactoring and scaling CSS at scale.
I do it at dinner, and I do it when people around me are being awkward. That app is my life.
This markup will cause the browser to fetch the CSS file in an asynchronous, non-render-blocking manner, and once loaded, its onload event handler will change its rel property to "stylesheet" causing it to apply visibly in the page
Every dependency in your application has the potential to bloat your app, to destabilize your app, to inject odd behavior via monkeypatching or buggy native code.
There’s a much more elegant and flexible solution to this problem. Enter the SSH config file
Styleguides provide a useful means to visualize the components within your website, yet they are sometimes treated as second-class citizens that need extra work. In this talk I will discuss why component libraries are a good start and how that core idea can be expanded. I will show how to use a component library as a foundation for your application, how to formalise the transformation from data objects to visual components and why this helps speed up development and ensure visual consistency.
For our development environments we are working predominantly in Vagrant so that we all have a consistent dev env. One challenge which arose was how to clone from GitHub within the Vagrant-created VM. We achieved this using ssh agent forwarding
One or more persons will review your Pull Request. Don’t make your reviewer work. The more you make your reviewer work, the greater the risk is that your Pull Request will be rejected.
Think of the canvas as a pre-designed overall agenda. Use it to avoid missing important pieces of the puzzle.
With the new letsencrypt:auto-renew command added to my dokku-letsencrypt plugin, it is now super-easy to set up automatic certificate renewal on your host!
CSS guides are a big deal, hugely important. If you don’t have a CSS guide, you should be panicking.
Don’t try to do more than one platform at a time; make one work and then go to the next platform.
webkitTextSizeAdjust was deprecated on desktops versions of the browser. This was the only bullet proof way to detect zoom in desktop chrome that I am aware of.
The advice still stands, and I believe developers should use npm as a build tool. Myself; I’ve been Gulp & Grunt free since 2013™.
Bloggen startades upp i samband med ett studiebesök hos Government Digital Service och Competition and Markets Authority i London i januari 2016. Syftet är primärt att sprida kunskapen från besöket.
På torsdagen ger regeringen Lantmäteriet i uppdrag att ta första steget mot en digital karta över Sverige, där alla myndigheter och kommunala instanser som är inblandade när ett bygglov ska utfärdas kan mata in relevant information.
...they have designers that are focusing more on what those businesses need than on how perfect every pixel is going to look.
Sometimes what makes a great experience is what the user doesn’t have to do.
given the age of the ca certificates package nobody but the ssl gods know if those certs are all sane
An autonomous collective of courageous and fearless geeks gathered along in a freshly created duchy of perpetually hoarded meeting rooms, and joined forces into an unstoppable mob of programming, leaving behind everything, and starting completely fresh.
The main premise of our talk was that we first threw all the conventional practices out of the window and started from scratch. No planning, no stand-ups, no iterations, no visualisation of work! Sounds crazy, right?
You can easily put some React in your rails app with react-rails or go with a more complete setup with Flux inside of your Rails app or separated out.
Imagine doing Ruby on Rails projects without Bundler? Oh, the horror! Well that’s what copying tidbits of JavaScript into /vendor/assets/javascripts is like!
Lets you build beautiful interactive user interfaces using the same Ruby language running your server side code. React.rb replaces JS code, JSX, HTML, templating languages, and complex frameworks with one simple system.
De allra flesta toaletter har i dag två val: hel och halv spolning. Att en har valet att anpassa vattenmängden efter aktivitet är ju i grunden en bra grej – om det inte hade varit så att denna till synes enkla uppgift i vissa fall är som att ställas inför två hemliga lådor.
If you have half the time to accomplish something, you become hyper-aware of how you’re using that time. And hyper-focused during it.
Never underestimate the value of teaching customers a better way to use your product. The better they are, the more likely they are to become long-term, loyal customers. no longer delivers its icons via icon font. Instead, we’ve replaced all the Octicons throughout our codebase with SVG alternatives
Läs på om området och kontrollera slutpriserna på Hemnet
How can we build exciting new product, whilst iterating our existing product, delivering against commonly requested features from existing customers, with new features needed by prospective customers, whilst keeping everything high quality, bug free, fast and performant?
And then it dawned on us: we’re going to build a robot!
What if the bot is annoying or tedious to talk to? In conversational UIs, personality is the new UX.
As Heroes text back and forth with you, they’ll learn things about you. They might notice that you have a dog or that you bought flowers for your mom on June 22nd. As they build a better picture of who you are, they can serve you targeted advertising campaigns.
A typical manufacturer still thinks that users stand in front of their microwave and ponder for a few minutes which precise setting to use and then press a bunch of buttons to execute their carefully crafted heating plan. In reality, one needs only two settings: power and time. Honestly, in a lot of cases people need just the time setting.
Before us are the laws of nature for an entire cosmos in 600,000 lines
Idea Debt is when you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like (...) And way too little time actually making the thing.
The cross-browser way to check if the document has loaded in pure JavaScript
We just pushed ESLint v2.0.0, which is the second major release of ESLint. When ESLint began in 2013, we had no idea just how big it would grow. This release is the result of years of feedback, development, and planning to get ESLint to be even better for our users.
I think I found a new way to create responsive emails, without media queries. The solution involves the CSS calc() function and the three width, min-width and max-width properties.
Constant pressure to hurry reduces our ability to be proactive. We don’t take the extra twenty minutes to understand design intent and cut out several days of work.
Great people build great products, get great customers and eventually will build a great company.
Congratulations! We’re glad you’re with us. Hopefully the interview process wasn’t too gruelling.
If you can go IE 9+ / Android 3+, inline SVG is better at pretty much everything than icon fonts.
Fixing bugs in bad browsers makes your code more resilient in good browsers
Stylesheet linting. Not many people do it. Many more people should
Så snälla 16-åriga jag säg aldrig igen att det inte skulle vara din grej att göra något tekniskt, att du aldrig skulle kunna bli ingenjör.
Node and Express don’t come with a strict file and folder structure. Instead, you can build your web app any way you like.
My suggestion would be to prioritize a move to https first and then decide on your HTTP/2 strategy.
http2 explained describes the protocol HTTP/2 at a technical and protocol level. Background, the protocol, the implementations and the future. Written by Daniel Stenberg.
How we use Github for design collaboration
In 2011, we moved our global headquarters to San Mateo, CA. Now, with 120 employees in 12 countries and $50 million in funding, here are some things I’ve learned along the way.
Giving more to your coworkers, taking time from a looming deadline to just talk to them—generates calming, positive emotions that help us "bounce back from stress much more quickly"
A list of all the non-obvious things about Twitter that I know. Consider it both a reference for people who aren’t up to their eyeballs in Twitter, and an example of how these hidden features can pile up.
It’s very hard to get them to write code or design programs, because they won’t stop thinking about Architecture.
Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse your React Components’ output. Enzyme’s API is meant to be intuitive and flexible by mimicking jQuery’s API for DOM manipulation and traversal.
Style guides are important tools that help prevent chaos, both from a design/development standpoint and also from an organizational perspective. Here’s why style guides are quickly becoming essential tools for modern Web design and development.
As I switched between my projects, I started to take note of the flaws that appeared to be wasting much of my time. By the end, I counted three main problems that affect the developer’s workflow
Take a breath and put it aside. Consider all the other value you’re creating with your time — I bet it’s a lot more than you might think.
In short, in our usability testing, the "Load more" button solved the usability issues observed with pagination (whereby users explored less of a product list, and comparison of products across pages of results was difficult), and it solved the severe issues observed with infinite scrolling (whereby users superficially scanned products and were often unable to reach the footer).
Om Klarna verkligen hade ett intresse av att få nöjda kunder borde korrekt information till kunderna vara det absolut första steget.
By using substring selectors, we can target and then visualise the general makeup of a page based on the types of class it contains
When was the last time you really felt your feedback improved someone else’s life, whether it was your spouse’s cooking or your employee’s performance?
Values defined in pixels make maintenance of code more straightforward. It also makes code more portable as styles can be dropped in to another project without potential sizing compounding issues (em) or needing to adjust values due to different root font sizes (rem).
Long-lived pull requests are pull requests that for some reason are stuck in a backlog without being approved and are in a merge limbo. Pull requests can enter this limbo state for many reasons.
These are some useful patterns that I’ve found myself using regularly.
The plan is for each to block rendering of subsequent content while the stylesheet loads, but allow the rendering of content before it. The stylesheets load in parallel, but they apply in series.
Flexbox not only eliminates these problems, it opens up an entirely new world of possibilities.
If I’ve taken the trouble to arrive at your URL, reachable on the open web with an HTML-capable browser, don’t just show me a blank page, OK?
Responsive design is in. Everybody’s talking about it and diligently putting together responsive websites. Yet it’s no easy task to design and build good, fast, and flexible responsive pages. How do you achieve your goal faster?
The main reason to create a performance budget is to have a tangible starting point for conversation around a web page or website. It shouldn’t act as gospel, but it’s a thing you can measure against. It’s your frame of reference.
Anyone who has attempted to maintain a UI Style Guide over a long period of time will attest that it is a very difficult process. They are generally prioritised below the maintenance of your applications themselves and as such are likely the first candidates to fall behind and the last to be brought out of tech debt.
Style guide generator for React components. It lists component propTypes and shows live, editable usage examples based on Markdown files. You can use it to generate a static HTML page to share and publish or as a workbench for developing new components using hot reloaded dev server.
Just don’t dismiss 100% JavaScript apps because of where they are today. The future is coming fast.
hiding critical parts of an application behind these kinds of menus could negatively impact usage.
Need some mock data to test your app? Mockaroo lets you generate up to 1,000 rows of realistic test data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats.
Parses CSS into an abstract syntax tree (AST); passes that AST through any number of "plugin" functions; and then converts that AST back into a string, which you can output to a file
In the beginning of your career, your technical skills matter the most. ... But as time goes on, those technical skills start to matter less. How you interact with people starts to matter a lot more.
Use this value to indicate you want to use the value of color for other properties that accept a color value: borders, box shadows, outlines, or backgrounds.
Whenever I have the inclination that I want to add a method on a controller that’s not part of the default five or whatever REST actions that we have by default, make a new controller! And just call it that.
When I find a bug in the CSS, I add a scenario in the style guide to reproduce it. Once it’s fixed, the style guide looks right. Then any time there’s a CSS regression, the style guide will show it.
Micro interactions play an important role here, those little details that make the different and push the experience a bit more up.
Circular profile pictures accentuate faces more than square ones. Accentuating faces helps users identify their peers easier and distinguish usernames from content.
So one of the hottest topics in the React world lately is Inline Style, i.e. setting styles with an element’s style property instead of CSS.
Den organisation som tar bort möjligheten för ett team att experimentera med arbetsformerna kan inte vara agil. Och likriktning omöjliggör experiment.
Teamet utvecklas om de får möjlighet att pröva nya vägar (lärande), utvärdera vad som fungerar och inte och distribuera beprövade lösningar till andra (skapa struktur).
Det handlade om hur människorna behandlade varandra inom kollektivet.
I often find myself in cycles of highs and lows. I can go from doing something incredible and being so proud of myself to breaking everything and watching my program crash. Then, I bang my head against the wall for a while. Eventually I solve the problem and begin to feel like I am on top of the world again!
Kultur på en arbetsplats är det beteende som vi förväntar oss av oss själva och andra i vissa situationer. Den är alltid vad vi alltid har gjort. Det enda sättet att förändra den är att börja göra på ett nytt sätt, och sedan fortsätta på det nya sättet tills det nya sättet blir det sätt vi alltid har gjort på.
Det mest ekonomiska du kan göra är alltså att försöka begränsa antalet leverabler du arbetar med. Fokusera på de viktigaste, de som går snabbast att leverera och som har högst väntekostnad.
I’ve put together a list of the positive and negative impacts of group chat on an organization. If you’ve gone chat-first, or you’re considering heading down that path, I encourage you to review and consider these impacts on your own organization.
The ability to work from anywhere can be a pitfall if you don’t allow yourself to NOT work from anywhere.
Each employee decides what she wants to spend her time on, if anything. Mainly the sponsored hours have gone towards small internal projects
På sajten blandas livestreaming a’la Twitch med videokanaler a’la Youtube och bilduppladdning i stil med Instagram. Den röda tråden är matlagning, och enligt grundarna ska Nom vara en given destination på nätet för såväl matlagningsentusiaster som professionella kockar.
Agilitet har inget egenvärde. Värdet ligger i om ökad agilitet gör oss bättre på att uppfylla människors behov.
Enough safety incidents over time will always create an accident
You can use the comma operator when you want to include multiple expressions in a location that requires a single expression.
If you run a company, it’s your responsibility to put together a business model that works. And if people are somehow figuring out ways to do what they want where you don’t get paid, then it means you’re doing something that needs to change.
Consider it a technical SEO checklist, whenever you launch a new site or project.
A few brief things about the advertising ecosystem and how ad servers generally work
I think using the decorator pattern is a really neat and simple way of implementing Presenters for Rails models
ref^ is shorthand for ref^1 and means the commit’s first parent. But where the two differ is that ref^2 means the commit’s second parent
Most people are unsure what to look for in a design and most feel uncomfortable putting forward criticism. What if you had a pack of cards with some powerful questions on them?
By starting small, you can demonstrate the value of user research and, eventually, establish user research as an essential part of any project.
Before you jump into designing a new onboarding flow, figure out what you should be getting people to do in the first place.
This course is focused squarely on user experience, and seeks to show developers how thinking offline-first is the best way to ensure that applications perform their best in all scenarios, not just ideal ones.
En sajt som redan är bra på att fånga både den som faktiskt vill flytta och den som bara vill få sukta lite, och som utökat möjligheter att till exempel jämföra, dela och spara kojor och slott.
Broken images are ugly. But they don’t always have to be. We can use CSS to apply styles to the element to provide a better experience than the default.
A somewhat hairy but totally barbaric look into building the behind the scenes site “Vikings – A World Revealed” for the History Channel. This talk will cover real world examples of how to use React to build performant, animation heavy, responsive sites while even getting designers involved on the development fun.
With so much to gain, why don’t leaders have feedback conversations more often? Because not all leaders are comfortable with the responsibility.
Responsive web design is the way forward — but it’s often linked to performance issues. This is critical when 64% of smartphone users unforgivingly expect websites to load in under four seconds, yet average page weights continue to rise.
Trends are nothing more than additional tools in your designer toolbox. Always pick the right ones for the job.
Självklart är det rationellt att undvika sådant så mycket som möjligt. Adblock är lösningen på problemet och på det viset fyller Adblock ett behov. Det gör inte reklamen.
Margaret Gould Stewart, Facebook’s director of product design, outlines three rules for design at such a massive scale—one so big that the tiniest of tweaks can cause global outrage, but also so large that the subtlest of improvements can positively impact the lives of many.
David McCandless turns complex data sets (like worldwide military spending, media buzz, Facebook status updates) into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections.
Beginning in May, we’ll start rolling out an update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile-friendly.
Agility is still like an accessory in the majority of Asian companies, people don’t really do it for the value behind it but for the sake of staying cool amongst the world.
If you are fortunate enough to be a part of an efficient, effective, and genial team, odds are you’ll regularly have cause and the desire to thank your colleagues for actions both big and small.
we added an optional theme of fixing things and called it "Fix It Week." We did this because we want to build a culture that celebrates both creating new things as well as fixing, reinventing and improving what we already have.
Opening up new browser windows is like a vacuum cleaner sales person who starts a visit by emptying an ash tray on the customer’s carpet. Don’t pollute my screen with any more windows, thanks
Don’t use target=_blank (or any other target that opens a new navigation context), especially for links in user-generated content
The noopener keyword may be used with a and area elements. The keyword indicates that any newly created browsing context which results from following the hyperlink will not have an opener browsing context, which means that its window.opener property will be null.
Vi insåg att det behövs nödsajter. Strulwebbar som ligger så långt ifrån ordinarie driftsmiljö som möjligt
But my work – the work we lucky few well-paid professionals do every day, as we co-operate with talented people while solving complex, interesting problems – is fun. And I find that I can devote surprising quantities of time to it.
A good onboarding process can reduce "Team Debt" and ensure that new employees are additive rather than subtractive.
So, how did our first hackathon for kids turn out? First of all, the kids had fun and so did we. Great success!
A new employee will spend much of their first week evaluating whether or not they fit in and if they made the right job decision.
Universal apps make sense when they solve a real problem. They’re not the goal in and of themselves.
Find a place with a fast learning cycle, and a steep learning curve.
NPM is no longer a place that I’ll share my open source work at, so, I’ve just unpublished all my modules.
Programmers were left staring at broken builds and failed installations on Tuesday after someone toppled the Jenga tower of JavaScript.
I can see a lot of potential with Xd, however I also see that Adobe has a mountain to climb to even catch up to other apps already in the marketplace.
Här är våra idéer om hur man möter spretiga användarbehov genom att börja med att förstå sina användare – på riktigt!
What concerns me here is that so many packages took on a dependency for a simple left padding string function, rather than taking 2 minutes to write such a basic function themselves.
Why copy-paste when you can require it and with the benefit of having a clear intent. Fixing a bug in a snippet means updating one module instead of manually fixing all the instances where the snippet is used.
Lately it has been adopted by the technical writing community as a solution for writing documentation. I’d like to lay out the main arguments that I have against Markdown.
Transparent salaries must go along with a mechanism that allows everyone to influence how salaries are set.
I have collected some of the best of infographic design to see what engaging and informative experiences can look like today
We’re significantly changing how unpublish behaves and the policies that surround it.
Channeling services and content carelessly through a trendy UI might hurt businesses a lot in the cruel app-world of no-second-impression-to-make.
If we can gather and analyze all that data what would truly smart notifications look like?
While you can make your sites faster using your own optimization processes, AMP simply provides speed and performance optimization in a neat and handy package.
Front-end style-guides help efficient design and testing, and enforce UI consistency. We present 8 style-guide requirements and 25 common components.
The opportunity to get away and reflect on what I am learning is important. Here are a few of my ideas on how conferences can better accommodate introverts
Build OS X desktop apps using React Native
The focus of this major release is to help teams with production applications manage, scale, and test their Meteor codebases, and to continue our work to align the Meteor platform with the latest innovations in JavaScript.
The best products do two things well: features and details. Features are what draw people to your product. Details are what keep them there.
Don’t go work at a startup making significantly less than market rate salary just to get stock options.
Gulp has a number of default behaviors that fail a number of very basic tests of what I want out of a build system
Google’s April Fools’ Day prank has backfired, leaving the company looking the fool and a number of concerned users fearing for their jobs – or worse.
Imagine if your sewer pipe started demanding that you make major changes in your diet.
Azure Functions is an event driven, compute-on-demand experience that extends the existing Azure application platform with capabilities to implement code triggered by events occurring in virtually any Azure or 3rd party service as well as on-premises systems
The critical, and exciting, difference for the task of patching the user-defined artifacts inside an Oracle Database is that this can be done with zero downtime by taking advantage of edition-based redefinition
The "clown car" technique is the closest thing we’ve got to a holy grail: leveraging well-supported media queries, the SVG format and the element to serve responsive images with a single request.
Estelle Weyl slides from Fronteers Spring Conference 2016
Netdata is a daemon that collects data in realtime (per second) and presents a web site to view and analyze them. The presentation is also real-time and full of interactive charts that precisely render all collected values.
Develop and design UI components outside your app in an isolated environment. It will change how you develop UI components.
This is a new option which lets you force commit squashing on all pull requests merged via the merge button.
I think anytime you’ve reached a statistical conclusion you need to ask yourself what if. What if you’re in the middle of Simpson’s Paradox? What if you peeled off another layer and that reversed your conclusion?
There are many ways to use SVG icons in HTML and CSS, and I haven’t tried them all. This is how we do it in our small front-end team at Kaliop
Encouraging employees to be creative and independent — not obedient soldiers taking orders down the chain of command — makes everyone feel like they have a stake in a positive outcome
Once we got good at Mobbing, we realized that it also was useful for smaller, simpler problems, because you can often find a way to abstract or automate tasks that are easy or repetitive, like cleaning up items in a database. Working as a team, it’s a lot easier to see patterns and to act on them.
DGit uses the structure of Git — where each copy of a repo contains every file, branch and commit — and makes it available recursively on three different servers.
Babel, via babel-loader, transpiles differences in ES6 syntax. Babel on its own does absolutely nothing to add in ES6 standard library functionality (like Object.assign).
We are excited to finally release the stable version of React 15.
I’m not sure what to use to pound the nails in. Should I use an old shoe or a glass bottle?
Your methods should be consistent about what they return. If you usually return an Array, do what you need to do to always return an Array. If you usually return a User, but sometimes return nil, you could create a Null User object and return that instead of nil.
Since our beta began in September 2015 we’ve issued more than 1.7 million certificates for more than 3.8 million websites.
We decided to get together and try to distill what defines us and start a discussion on what we are and what we want to be.
Michele Cammarano, 1871, oil on canvas
Once Grid ships there will be many layout tasks where we could argue for the use of Grid or Flexbox as the solution. Here are some thoughts.
Allowing a new employee to add value early on, and recognizing them for it is invigorating.
Plain text is boring. At Facebook, we want to give our users the ability to add mentions, emoticons, hashtags, styles, and embedded media within the content they share. The result is that nearly every input on Facebook requires rich text features.
We made half of our players, picked at random, play as women. We also made some of them black. The response has been extreme.
The Spotify app as a whole is designed well visually but in terms of user experience it feels quite frustrating to use.
Angolans have started hiding pirated movies and music in Wikipedia articles and linking to them on closed Facebook groups, creating a totally free and clandestine file sharing network in a country where mobile internet data is extremely expensive.
Anställda som normalt sett inte arbetar ihop ska mötas. Det ska ge känslan av att vi jobbar mot samma mål allihop.
Keeps track of where you are on the page and prevents anything that causes a reflow from disrupting your position on the page.
They revolutionized how we gather information in the way the smartphone changed how we communicate — yet unlike the smartphone, search has been a quiet revolution.
Futuristic JavaScript dependency loader and builder. Speeds up application load times. Works with ES6, CommonJS, AMD, CSS, LESS and more. Simplifies modular workflows.
A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro.
Under 2015 hade Hemnet över 220 000 upplagda objekt och under samma period hade sidan över en miljard sidvisningar, en summa som många e-handlare förmodligen bara kan drömma om i dagsläget.
Containerization will start a revolution in open source similar to what Git did, by making it much simpler to take any code and start compiling it right away.
The DLS is a collection of components defined by shared principles and patterns. This allows for rapid iteration using a shared vocabulary across design, engineering, and other disciplines. The structure of the DLS is simple and coherent, easing communication across teams.
Living Styleguide Made Easy
Gives you experience with sharing geographic information on the Internet using free and open source software (FOSS) and open specifications.
Here’s how to recreate the animation using the CSS animation steps timing function.
Spotify tackade nej till nyproducerade hyreslägenheter på pendlingsavstånd från Stockholmskontoret, samtidigt som bostadsbristen uppges vara ett stort problem för företaget.
Brevet och efterspelet ger ett enda intryck: att Spotify själva inte skapat goda förutsättningar att expandera i Sverige.
The first-time user of Google Docs will spend 20 minutes or so creating content and then look for a "Save" button. Not seeing one, they experience a moment of fear for the safety of their work. Their expectation of how document-creation interfaces work most certainly is not met. But then they see "All changes saved" and discover that the onerous task of saving their work has been taken from them. This is better, a pleasant surprise indeed. They might even tell themselves the joke again a few times, adding to their file and watching the reassuring message validate their new perspective on the interface.
Some newspapers have resorted to deception to boost their subscription numbers. These dishonest tactics are sometimes called "dark patterns" – user interfaces designed to trick people.
Getting caching right yields huge performance benefits, saves bandwidth, and reduces server costs
we created our own custom player capable of extracting 25 frames a second, move to defined clips and perform loops
Vet du vad som är ett tecken på verklig framgång? Att du inte behöver vara med på Linkedin överhuvudtaget.
To prevent against this hole, you should replace every occurrence of </ in your JSON with <\/ so that the <script> tag remains open.
Hide the JSON-formatted data either in a custom data-* attribute on an element near the closing tag, or in an inline
We present a novel technique to automatically colorize grayscale images that combines both global priors and local image features. Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, our deep network features a fusion layer that allows us to elegantly merge local information dependent on small image patches with global priors computed using the entire image.
Det känns knappt som att jag arbetar. Varje dag går jag med glädje till jobbet. Jag sitter, tänker och löser problem. Man lär sig något nytt varje dag
Som kvinnliga ingenjörsstudenter på KTH tycker vi att det är oförståeligt att det först i årskurs fyra tillhandahölls en föreläsning kring genus kopplat till teknik och design på vår utbildning. Under tre års tid hade ämnet överhuvudtaget inte nämnts eller diskuterats.
Tänk vilket försprång BMW skulle ha om biltillverkaren kunde göra en deal med Trafikverket som innebar att bara BMW-bilar fick köra i bussfilen eller slippa trängselavgifter och trafikskatt!
Bostadssituationen är det största hotet till att vi inte kan vara kvar på Gotland. Det är det absolut svåraste och det är sommaren som förstör allting. Folk som vi får hit vill vara här och stanna kvar.
Embrace the button as a leading representation of a system’s style.
Chrome no longer supports obtaining the user’s location using the HTML5 Geolocation API from pages delivered by non-secure connections. This means that the page that’s making the Geolocation API call must be served from a secure context such as HTTPS.
Hos oss kommer du att ligga i framkant inom så kallad "continuous delivery" med driftsättningar varje månad!
How can you take the Agile Mindset serious where continuous improvement is important if you live in the society that is trapped in their past and do not improve because they believe it is already great?!
Trots pengar i sjön och ökad stress för medarbetarna, har många organisationer av oklar anledning en kultur där det är ok att hålla dåliga möten
Spotify is making a small but meaningful design change on iOS today: it’s removing the hamburger button and replacing it with a navigation bar along the bottom of the screen.
If we’ve already trusted Instagram with our locations and email addresses and friend networks and "likes" data, it seems like quibbling to worry about the order of the photos.
Don’t make tooltips terrible with these 5 simple rules
The navigation part of Spotify is now optimized for screens of any size. Maybe we’ll get there with the other parts soon.
Some platform have seen some success with limited bots, but I suspect it has to do more with an audience of tech early-adopters who are willing (and happy) to memorize command-line style interactions.
V8 supports ES6 and ES7. You can use the new language features today in Chrome Canary, and they will ship by default in the M52 release of Chromium.
Server Push enables websites and APIs to speculatively deliver content to the web browser before the browser sends a request for it.
At Instagram, we deploy our backend code 30-50 times a day... whenever engineers commit changes to master... with no human involvement in most cases.
Front-end metrics from big news sites around the world.
Vi i utvecklingsteamet som arbetar med Nya Di har valt att använda en lite annorlunda metod, nämligen mobbprogrammering. Mobbprogrammering är en teknik som började dyka upp 2012 – 2013 och kan ses som en förlängning av begreppet parprogrammering där man sitter och programmerar i par.
När många kommuner samtidigt har svårt att få ekonomin att gå ihop, är det lätt att välja det ekonomiskt billigaste alternativet vid en upphandling av framtidens datadrivna tjänster, genom att låta företagen som utför jobbet få äga denna data istället för den kommunen själva.
Many people in the JS community feel that adding class syntax to the language was a mistake. I share this sentiment, but I have encountered quite a few programmers in the wild who don’t agree or simply don’t seem to understand why some of us have this opinion. So, I wanted to create an online reference where people could come to learn specifically about this issue and why they might not actually need class syntax in JavaScript.
A list of everything that goes in the <head> of your HTML document
Hantera rekryteringsprocessen som du hanterar en potentiell ny relation. Ät lunch, promenera och kanske ta ut hela teamet på en middag? Det är i de alldagliga samtalen du verkligen förstår en persons drivkrafter, intelligens och inställning.
I think we’re in a weird transitional period where the widespread usage of classes is a necessary evil because they are limiting.
Det är knepigt att vara soloföretagare. Man sitter hemma själv och jobbar utan kollegor. Man fattar alla beslut själv och firar när det går bra själv. Jag är inte riktigt gjord för det
If Spotify’s directors are discussing a move to SF [...] then they are pulling a Donald Trump against the Swedish state. They are trolling.
These plagiarized sites abuse the way Google ranks content by sending fake organic traffic and by modifying internal backlinks on the cloned website so they no longer point to the victim’s website.
All that we really have inside any application are data representations of the components. It’s therefore pretty simple to scaffold a quick application that requests every component, multiple times, with differing data. This becomes our Style Guide. Where a regular application might request a handful of components, the Style Guide requests every component, again and again.
If someone were to copy Rizzo as it exists now they would inherit some of the decisions which ultimately we would change in hindsight (and plan on doing in the future). This article outlines some of those decisions and how we would approach them differently.
Historically, the rate at which we’ve developed GOV.UK has meant it’s been difficult to keep the style guide up to date with the rapidly changing look and feel of the site. We like to iterate a lot, and keeping a separate style guide up to date with these small and frequent changes has proven tricky.
The usual problem with living styleguides is that components get displayed in a context that is different from the one they normally live in. And by "context", I am actually talking about media queries.
Instead of talking about techniques that lead to better client-side performance, I focused on security-sensitive situations in which performance can actually be a bug rather than a feature.
In this paper, we show that modern browsers expose new side-channels that can be used to acquire accurate timing measurements, regardless of network conditions. Using several real-world examples, we introduce four novel web-based timing attacks against modern browsers and describe how an attacker can use them to obtain personal information based on a user’s state on a cross-origin website
WebKit’s new policy is to implement experimental features unprefixed, behind a runtime flag. Runtime flags allow us to continue to get experimental features into developers’ hands while avoiding the various problems vendor prefixes had.
Roam, a new network of co-living spaces, offers a lease that lets you continually move: After a couple of weeks or months in Madrid, you can head to Miami, or Ubud, Bali. By 2017, the startup plans to have 8-10 locations around the world.
For each search query that a guest enters on Airbnb’s search engine, our model computes the likelihood that relevant hosts will want to accommodate the guest’s request.
Enhanced interactions that take advantage of specific user or device capabilities can be provided, but they should not be the primary way of accessing interface features.
Varannan medarbetare tycker att återkopplingen de får från sin närmsta chef är direkt oanvändbar, eftersom den inte hjälper dem att göra bättre ifrån sig. När siffrorna ser ut så här har vi förlorat ett väldigt viktigt verktyg på våra arbetsplatser.
Ruby has never been a more productive environment to work in, and as a result it’s never been at greater risk of slipping into irrelevancy. These are important discussions to have as the dust continues to settle for the tools Rubyists use to do their job.
While it sure is possible to reason about complex problems without writing anything down, you will get far better results if you practice thinking in writing.
The benefits of systematic component classes will prove more valuable than the expedience of utility classes
Our experiences and findings during the HTTP/2 transition. The overall upgrade was smooth for us, although there are also a couple of caveats that might be helpful to others.
You have a single line of text in a flex child element. You don’t want that text to wrap, you want it truncated with ellipsis
the practice of code reviews is a "bionic cultural hammer." It’s a "cultural hammer" because it’s a tool that strongly shapes the way we work, and it’s "bionic" because it is more powerfully self-perpetuating than any passive "coding standards policy" could ever be.
If you want to protect the privacy and security of your users in the face of a malicious state, you have two tasks. First, doing it, and second, getting away with it.
Vissa av dem har dubbla smartphones för att kunna "stänga av" jobbet.
Achieve lazy loading images (and other content, should you want to) whilst still allowing for both broken JavaScript and a complete lack of JavaScript support
Distorted Button Effects using SVG filters
The growing importance of the article page has freed up publishers to take more risks with their home pages, particularly on desktop, making it a "playground for publishers to do some new fun stuff
When the Washingtonian redesigned its site in January, it went all in, replacing its old-school homepage with a simplified, newsfeed-like one
This post explores potential security issues in Rails 3 that are fixed in Rails 4, as well as some that are still risky. I hope this post will help you secure your own apps, as well as inspire changes to Rails itself.
The killer feature of the web—URLs—are being treated as something undesirable because they aren’t part of native apps. That’s not a failure of the web; that’s a failure of native apps.
Did I mention that storing dates in a character column is a really really bad idea ...
Är det något det finns alldeles för gott om i Sverige så är det tystnad! Vatten och tystnad.
A unified design language shouldn’t be just a set of static rules and individual atoms; it should be an evolving ecosystem.
If we plotted all the geotagged photos associated with a particular WOE ID, would we have enough data to generate a mostly accurate contour of that place? Not a perfect representation, perhaps, but something more fine-grained than a bounding box. It turns out we can
SBAB:s utvecklingsavdelning stod alltså inför den stora utmaningen att omorganisera delar av vår avdelning och bilda 6-7 team bestående av totalt cirka 40 medarbetare
Here are the 10 dilemmas I’ve battled with and some tips on how to deal with them
CSS Guidelines I use for personal projects including Scally CSS framework and at work
There are so many great alternatives to class inheritance in JavaScript, and they’re all better than `class` for their specific use-cases
So, why does Javascript change so much? To answer that question, let’s take a step back through history.
Why is web development so misunderstood? And why are common principles like DRY invalid?
We’ll tell you about the new features we’ve added that make your life better. And, only at that time, do we ask if you would write a review in the App Store.
If you’re a Homebrew user and you installed node via Homebrew, there is a major philosophical issue with the way Homebrew and NPM work together.
Hypernova lets you write all of your view code in a single place without having to sacrifice the user‘s experience.
The consensus seems to be there’s no solution here and that they’re hoping Apple gets its shit together with future versions.
Simple, single-command web publishing. Publish HTML, CSS, and JS for free, without leaving the command line.
Create a new node module with all the right stuff.
App reviews are rarely analysed in a structured way. Consequently, they don’t have a place in the UX product design cycle, and they aren’t considered a part of user research.
The default position for a smart team without a clear plan is to snack.
The benefits we have seen have far outweighed the initial pain that it caused and has moved our team to a whole other level. We are happier, more productive, and more knowledgeable.
Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
Expected use cases include loading web pages, extracting metadata (e.g., the DOM) and generating bitmaps from page contents – using all the modern web platform features provided by Chromium and Blink.
stressade föräldrar som tar time out när det blir för mycket och sätter sig och tittar på Hemnet och lägenheter de aldrig kommer att köpa.
ES7 introduces two new features to Javascript. These are the includes array method and the exponentiation operator. Let’s take a look at these new features in detail.
Solving the second hard problem in Computer Science
Doing things, for the sake of doing them, makes your feature checklist longer than your competitors. This further amplifies the negative feedback loop.
So how do we go about designing bots? When are they useful? Should they be friendly and simple like Slackbot, or fake yet smart like Facebook M?
Formal testing makes people think they can throw anything at the wall and take the best of the bunch. It diminishes the trust designers receive from executives and co-workers. It reduces the role of designer from original thinker to statistician.
When you focus on measuring face time, you get...face time. But when you actually focus on performance, you get superior performance.
Feedback finns i så mycket vi gör och säger. Om vi begränsar det till endast någon gång per år då vi ger varandra formell feedback enligt ett formulär saknar den så många dimensioner.
After six months of polish, four betas, and two release candidates, Rails 5.0 is finally done!
Users don’t leave because they can’t figure it out — they leave because they don’t care to.
man kan också gå in i väggen av att drivas av belöningar; arbetet känns så roligt och meningsfullt, man tar på sig mer och mer.
The default export is actually just a named export with the special name default.
I realized that the problem wasn’t exporting the object as a default, but how I expected that I could import the object. I always assumed that I could export an object as the default and then destructure the pieces out of that object I needed
So should you use HPKP? Yes, you should. If you pin correctly, the chance of everything going south is pretty small.
CSP is a great invention, but it can still be implemented poorly and not give its purposed protection. Even more can CSP protect against more than just XSS if you customize the policy accordingly to your websites attack surface.
Som besökare måste man veta att alla objekt finns samlade, det gör det bara på Hemnet i dagsläget.
Wilhelm Landerholm är nämligen en av landets få äkta så kallade data scientists: expert på analys av stora datamängder och hur man med matematikens hjälp, läs algoritmer, kan skapa en begriplig bild och dra konkreta slutsatser av statistikbrus.
You can chain a selector with itself to increase its specificity. That is to say: .btn.btn { } will select based on only one class (.btn) but with double the specificity.
Vi måste göra något fel med våra liv när vi har så höga förväntningar och sätter så mycket hopp till några få veckor om året, vad gör vi egentligen med resten av tiden?
All you need to do is explicitly require each view’s own CSS or Sass dependencies like you would its JS dependencies, and Webpack will build a bundle that includes everything you need, performing any extra pre- or post-processing steps as required.
A syntax that includes a new set of advanced responsive conditions, scoped styles and new selectors for targeting elements, as well as a pure JavaScript library named EQCSS.js
Take a look at the Internet’s reaction to Go, and you’ll see why this game is different. I think Pokémon Go is going to prove out to be the first, widely adopted implementation of augmented reality.
"Pokemongo, kanske skulle tillverkaren valt ett bättre namn."
Life is short. No one wants to fill out a form. Be conversational. Be funny.
We do not usually search for something that leads to a single result that answers our question, rather we search for terms and then explore the internet, connecting bits and pieces of the answer as we read through the web of tabs that our search starts for us.
Follow these guidelines and you’ll have an award winning app in no time.
Totalt ska minst 20 personer inom Spotifys HR- och rekryteringsteam ha slutat eller tvingats bort de senaste åren – på grund av missnöje eller konflikter med ledningen, enligt Breakits källor
A new officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration.
Windows launched via target="_blank" end up in the same process & thread. The same is true for iframes and windows opened via rel="noopener" prevents window.opener, so there’s no cross-window access. Chromium browsers optimise for this and open the new page in its own process.
Designers frequently confuse obfuscation with simplification. Simply hiding features seems like you’re creating a "cleaner" and more easy-to-use interface.
You should use functional animation to smoothly transport users between navigational contexts, explain changes in the arrangement of elements on a screen, and reinforce element hierarchy.
For Chinese people, especially those don’t know English, scanning code is much easier than typing in English letters.
The elements defined inside will only be rendered when they are referenced – or called – by the element
Chrome 52 has a clearer identity display for certificates that have been through extended validation: the verified legal entity (in most cases, a company name) is simply displayed in front of the address, without background.
A security feature that enables browsers to verify that files they fetch (for example, from a CDN) are delivered without unexpected manipulation. It works by allowing you to provide a cryptographic hash that a fetched file must match.
Allows specifying the digest of the file that you want to include. The digest is the output of a cryptographic hash function, which helps us achieve integrity.
For sites using Subresource Integrity, a compromised CDN is eliminated as a XSS vector. While for many sites this might not seem like the most plausible attack, third party analytics scripts have been hijacked in the past to inject malicious JavaScript.
Takes your nicely formatted CSS and runs it through many focused optimisations, to ensure that the final result is as small as possible for a production environment.
Noms is a decentralized database based on ideas from Git.
At runtime, the test method will convert its argument, the dummy function, to a string. That results in "function(p){}" or "function(){}", respectively. Neither of those contain the string param, so the test method returns false and that value is then assigned to isUnminified.
So when you do serve a 410 status code on a page that really isn’t gone permanently, you haven’t killed that page off permanently. Googlebot will return the check and see if the page needs to be returned to the index.
Don’t use hover as the primary action to trigger anything essential. Ever. For 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 rest 👏🏼 of 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 life.
So what are you waiting for? Go on and change some defaults.
Our approach for mixing font families is to keep one quality consistent, and let the others vary.
Have you ever wondered why Netflix has such a great streaming experience?
How does a team of distributed designers, spread across different time-zones, projects and competing objectives ever find a way to work together so they can create one coherent experience?
Spotify makes sure that its Squads are collocated. Frödin said this is because when they share a codependent mission, it’s important for them that everything that’s necessary to get work done is right there with them, including all teammates.
Do you remember <layer>? If you do, you also remember Netscape 4, and probably not fondly. And if you remember Netscape 4 you also remember most of web history, as I do.
Switches should never require users to press a button to apply their settings. This is because a switch is already a toggle button.
It’s of much importance that you have a policy in both your response headers and in your HTML
Self-proclaimed “thought leader,” Pat Kelly gives his talk on “thought leadership” at the annual This Is That Talks in Whistler, B.C. In the seminar, Kelly covers: How to talk with your hands, how to get a standing ovation, and how to inspire people by saying nothing at all.
If a developer starts feeling too comfortable or too specialized, it’s time to rotate.
To help structure rapid and maintainable stylesheets development. It is intended for use in large, long lived sites, on which many frontend developers may be working over time. The name stands for Deferred Object CSS Architecture.
Nicolas Gruegoire. From AppSecEU 2015 in Amsterdam
Manet is a REST API server which allows capturing screenshots of websites using various parameters. It is a good way to make sure that your websites are responsive or to make thumbnails.
System Font CSS is set of @font-face rules that let you use the native system font of the OS running the browser.
A programming interface that enables native iOS apps to share credentials with their website counterparts
Some say it’s my stuff. Some say it’s your stuff. If you’re designing an interface, does it matter whether the words are written from the user’s point of view or the product’s point of view?
A sophisticated and well organised attempt to flood the servers, using millions of different points of attack.
Browsers have had an <input> element since the dawn of time, and yet any time you talk to web developers about it, everyone complains about it. It’s unpredictable. It’s grumpy. It’s got reaaaaally strong opinions about style, and it doesn’t want to listen to yours. I’m going to tell you a story about how < input > grew up to be the moody adult it is, and why it’s maybe time we stood up to it.
A single click in that whack-a-mole game will reveal the state of 9 visited links to the JavaScript executing on the page
Approach exploits how HTTPS responses are delivered over transmission control protocol. HEIST is able to count the number of frames and windows sent by interacting with a set of newly approved APIs, one called Resource Timing and another called Fetch. In the process, they allow a piece of JavaScript to determine the exact size of an HTTPS response. The malicious HEIST code then works in tandem with BREACH to ferret pieces of plaintext out of the encrypted response by adding thousands of guesses to requests and analyzing the size of each resulting response.
Environment switcher for the shell. It knows how to hook into bash, zsh, tcsh and fish shell to load or unload environment variables depending on the current directory.
What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse of the future — and American companies are taking notice.
What are you reading this summer? We polled our Enterprisers and IT executives to see which books had the most impact on them.
Using the new –tmpfs you can run a container as read only, but still use writeable directories for things like /etc, /tmp or /run but discard changes when a container is stopped.
I wanted to make maps that look like something you’d find at the back of one of the cheap paperback fantasy novels of my youth.
A methodology for building modern, scalable, maintainable software-as-a-service apps.. This document synthesizes all of our experience and observations on a wide variety of software-as-a-service apps in the wild. It is a triangulation on ideal practices for app development, paying particular attention to the dynamics of the organic growth of an app over time, the dynamics of collaboration between developers working on the app’s codebase, and avoiding the cost of software erosion.
Docker Cheat Sheet
The tricky thing with SRI is that you have to include it for every HTML tag that points to a CDN if you want the security benefit. And then, of course, it happend that someone forgot to add this and people were sad. Fortunately, they brought this to the Webappsec Working Group and discussed the matter!
Control the resources which a particular page can fetch or execute, as well as a number of security-relevant policy decisions
Our model solution used a fairly common trick to bypass CSP: The Google-CDN, white-listed by the CSP rules on this page, offers outdated versions of AngularJS.
This document introduces a new delivery mechanism for policies which are meant to apply to an entire origin. In short, a server will provide an Origin Policy Manifest file at a well-known location.
Self-daemonizing programs start you down the path to hell. You can’t use any sane keepalive techniques so you have to resort to polling process lists or checking the pid or something.
Usability suffers when users type in passwords and the only feedback they get is a row of bullets. Typically, masking passwords doesn’t even increase security, but it does cost you business due to login failures.
WebKit and Safari TP now support all of the features of the Content Security Policy Level 2 standard, including hashes for script and style elements.
The new site is a step in the direction of a true open data movement. Out of the 11,000 datasets, over 500 of the most popular ones were cleaned up and uploaded on the new site. The focus is now on quality and making sure they’re extractable via APIs. More datasets and APIs will be added over time.
Adding the overhead of TLS encryption calculations to our video stream transport had the potential to greatly reduce the efficiency of our global infrastructure.
Working with CSS is tricky enough as it is; working with legacy CSS can be nightmarish. In this talk, we’ll look at how we decide what to refactor and when; how we can refactor code whilst still shipping features; how to avoid regressions when adding new CSS; how we can avoid the dreaded refactoring tunnels; running new and legacy code in tandem; and a bunch of other neat little tips and tricks.
In a sense, Airbnb became an interactive lifestyle magazine.
Let’s talk about how we’re beginning to mitigate some of these platform-level risks by hardening the defaults, removing barriers to TLS deployment, and giving developers access to new APIs that can be used to lock themselves down even further.
Programmatically defining origins to isolate different applications running in the same physical origin
Allows developers to selectively enable and disable use of various browser features and APIs
Imperative API enabling a website to request a user’s credentials from a user agent, and to help the user agent correctly store user credentials for future use
The only way he was able to spread the word about the Web is because the Internet Gopher was there to allow people to download his files, find a discussion group, and talk about it.
Thanks to the JavaScript Standard, browser behavior has converged, increasing interoperability; non-standard features got well-defined and standardized; and the ECMAScript standard more closely matches reality.
Don’t load JS assets directly from GitHub pages, especially if you’re running for President of the United States
pulling in a dependency from another developer is placing a remarkable amount of trust in them – as there’s no release process, no opportunity for code signing (which is missing from most dependency systems), nothing but faith in that developer.
One horse-sized JavaScript duck is faster than a hundred duck-sized JavaScript horses
This will be one important thing we’ll do after the webpack 2 release. We concentrate on documentation and bug fixing now.
Once .dev domains start becoming prevalent I imagine that there will be a few people kicking themselves for mapping it to their local machine
The United States National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is formulating new guidelines for password policies to be used in the whole of the US government
No, you did "spec work" in a bubble. This is why you don’t do spec work.
Content negotiation is a clean, well-documented, standards-compliant way of handling a lot of the complexity found in managing and maintaining RESTful APIs.
A fun and interesting talk about the HTTP protocol, strategies for versioning APIs, etags and much more.
Pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly
A more advanced, and up-to-date use of the bridge network driver. We’ll also look at using the overlay network driver for connecting Docker containers across multiple hosts.
Now that we understand important concepts like scheduling, state management, and resource allocations, let’s see these in action by actually running a service in ECS.
Meetings, in general, can be a real productivity killer for developers, especially when they are scheduled in the late morning or mid-afternoon. And having one of each on the same day can totally derail your flow and leaves you with a feeling of having accomplished nothing that day.
Designed to help developers, system administrators, and security professionals configure their sites safely and securely.
Allow users to access a limited set of features, functionality, or content before or without registrering.
You arrive eager to dive in and start engaging and what’s the first thing that greets you? A form.
What we are lacking in our industry isn’t talent. There is plenty of talent to go around. What we lack is diversity and all of the benefits diversity brings with it.
Most companies tend to be much more reactive than proactive when it comes to equitable compensation for their employees. If you are a top engineer, you are more likely to be offered a raise when putting in your two weeks than if you are pumping out mind melting code on a daily basis and waiting to get noticed.
Gränsen mellan ansvarslös kreditgivning och innovativ experimentlusta är inte alltid helt lätt att dra.
Validation is complex. Validation is extremely complex. I think it is right up there at the top of implementations we misjudge regarding complexity.
Our job is not to drink coffee and crap out code. Our job is to make software that works.
Du kommer att lära dig de senaste hacksen, läsa allt om dina favoritappar, hur du startar ditt eget techföretag samt hur du kan tjäna pengar på sociala medier.
A series of unwanted actions happening in a user interface that take us down a path that gets darker and darker the further we go.
Catalog of React components / libraries
This site tries to bring together all the lore, art, science, practice, and experience of building scalable websites into one place so you can learn how to build your website with confidence.
Passing interviews is a skill. Being a great programmer helps, but it’s only part of the picture.
It was rather surreal when I realized I had actual valid SSL/TLS certificates for the primary GitHub domains. Https is supposed to prevent eavesdropping, yet with these keys, I could become a man-in-the-middle with ease.
This article will shortly describe two new headers. We will discuss their functionality, how they can protect the user and finally some considerations.
Looking at the benefits of CSP like XSS and mixed-content mitigation, enforcing HTTPS with HSTS and reducing the risk of rogue certificate issuance with HPKP, we’re definitely better off with these things than we are without them.
Knowing the exact size of authenticated cross-origin resources, allows an attacker to discover numerous things about a victim.
sw-offline-google-analytics sets up a new fetch event handler in your service worker, which responds to requests made to the Google Analytics domain.
realize that screening based on free-time pursuits gets you more affluent white men than it does underemployed single moms.
It is much easier to learn how to code than it is to develop empathy or social perceptiveness in general
Instead of building re-usable software, we should try to build disposable software.
WaveNets are able to generate speech which mimics any human voice and which sounds more natural than the best existing Text-to-Speech systems, reducing the gap with human performance by over 50%.
It’s hard to imagine a stronger form of censorship than these DDoS attacks because if nobody wants to take you on then that’s pretty effective censorship
Akamai announced to the world that, if your site is getting attacked at a rate of 620 gigabits per second of traffic, you’re on your own
The form I had to fill out to inform my ethnicity was definitely not fair. It just didn’t give me any option I was fully comfortable with, yet it still forced me to pick one of the options to be able to proceed.
Note that a fight against a browser is practically impossible to win and these methods are nothing more than a second layer of security that only may help. However, many (most) of the extensions don’t know about these methods so they don’t have a workaround. I would still say that these methods are highly recommended and should be considered as best practice.
Allows developers and security experts to check if a Content Security Policy (CSP) serves as a strong mitigation against cross-site scripting attacks.
Which libraries developers most want to learn next, and which have the highest satisfaction ratings. And hopefully, this data will help you make sense of the ever-changing JavaScript ecosystem.
The max-width property overrides the width property, but min-width will always override max-width
How it feels to learn Javascript in 2016
AWS did not perform any conflict check between regular domains and trailing dot domains. Some browsers hide the URL completely using Extended Validation (EV) SSL. Combined, these issues created some interesting attack vectors.
GraphQL is a product-developer-friendly and efficient method for fetching structured data from a server, designed to be an alternative to REST.
By sharing our implementation details and learnings from launching a commercial visual search engine from scratch, we hope visual search becomes more widely incorporated into today’s commercial applications.
Imagine for a moment that you are a security engineer who discovers a backdoor that your company execs have been trying to hide from your team. Would you quit on ethical grounds or stay so that you can prevent this from happening again?
I found the lockscreen experience confusing and I wanted to learn why
Pokemon Go är ju ett lysande exempel på att man med teknik kan uppmuntra barn att ut och röra på sig. Vi kan lyfta bort den faktorn som skapade problem, alltså skärmen, så att man kan spela och samla poäng med endast ett armband, säger företagets vd Hanna Johansson.
Hade det funnits ett piller skulle alla köpa det. Springa är gratis.
WebKit gives designers three font smoothing modes
The Angular app is embedded within a rendered Rails view. This choice raised a practical question: how do we expose the Rails data (instance variables, params, etc.) to the Angular app’s controller(s)?
From Basics to Expanded Concepts to Apply Space with Intent
Google isn’t winning because it’s big or that it has so much more scale. It’s winning because it created a way for people to have high-intent moments, which brands can reach with their ads.
With Yarn, engineers still have access to the npm registry, but can install packages more quickly and manage dependencies consistently across machines or in secure offline environments. Yarn enables engineers to move faster and with confidence when using shared code so they can focus on what matters — building new products and features.
Yarn is a package manager for your code. It allows you to use and share code with other developers from around the world. Yarn does this quickly, securely, and reliably so you don’t ever have to worry.
Spotify appears to have streamed more than just music to users of its free music service option.
Yarn looks like it will be Cargo for JavaScript. After Cargo improved on many of the great ideas of npm, those ideas are returning to help improve the JavaScript ecosystem. Cross-pollination at its best.
Dredd is a language-agnostic command-line tool for validating API description document against backend implementation of the API.
Twitter minskar, att Snapchat dominerar på ett förbluffande sätt bland unga. Och att e-post plötsligt är hetare än någonsin.
...these attacks came from Internet-of-Things (IoT) category of devices.
Scared of superintelligent AI? You should be, says neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris — and not just in some theoretical way. We’re going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven’t yet grappled with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we treat ants.
Like all first efforts at shipping practical crypto, SSL versions 1.0 to 3.0 were found to have some security issues which necessitated iterative releases of more and more fundamentally secure designs.
Here’s a couple of quick ways you can tell if a tabbing system is poorly implemented
Let’s do a quick experiment and see if there is space to improve the menu and guide the customers into a direction.
If people are put in a role that challenges them, 67 per cent will demonstrate above-average creativity and innovation in their performance. In contrast, only 33 per cent of people in "easy" jobs show above- average innovativeness.
You aren’t Superman. You don’t need to do everything.
Let’s Encrypt have issued its 12 millionth certificate, of which 6 million are active and unexpired. With these milestones, Let’s Encrypt now appears to us to be the the Internet’s largest certificate authority
The average person in Europe works 19 percent less than the average person in the U.S. That’s about 258 fewer hours per year, or about an hour less each weekday.
In January 2017 (Chrome 56), we’ll mark HTTP pages that collect passwords or credit cards as non-secure, as part of a long-term plan to mark all HTTP sites as non-secure
To sum up, HPKP is not for the faint of heart; you essentially need to know what you’re doing and be careful about it.
HPKP pinning carries an inherent risk of bricking your site and requires great care. For that reason, it is not presently supported by the Let’s Encrypt client, and will not be until we have a lot of time to perform quality control on an implementation, if ever.
We identify three common classes of CSP bypasses and explain how they subvert the security of a policy. We then turn to a quantitative analysis of policies deployed on the Internet in order to understand their security benefits.
MVC Framework for NodeJs to write webapps with less code
Sails makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. It is designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps: data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture. It’s especially good for building chat, realtime dashboards, or multiplayer games; but you can use it for any web application project - top to bottom.
A JavaScript client framework for mobile, desktop and web leveraging simple conventions and empowering creativity.
This specification defines an interface for web applications to access the complete timing information for resources in a document.
Around a third of these sites are using the HPKP header incorrectly, which effectively disables HPKP. Consequently, the total number of certificates that are actually using HPKP is effectively less than 3,000.
The fact that HPKP can create this kind of gigantic foot-gun is a pretty good sign that it actually works. So much of security technology turns out to be cosmetic
A Webpack loader for working with Javascript in Swedish
Over the past year or two, someone has been probing the defenses of the companies that run critical pieces of the Internet.
The good news is that there are two relatively simple steps we can take make our sites exponentially more resilient
If you add two nameservers managed by another company into the mix, then it takes a DDoS against two different companies to bring you offline.
The Same Origin Method Execution attack can lead to ugly and critically severe consequences for its targeted victims. Keep in mind that the attack’s risk is considered as high as the risk of Cross-site scripting
This page helps you set up CAA for your domain. Enter your domain name above and check off which CAs you authorize. You can separately authorize the ability to issue wildcard and non-wildcard certificates.
We apply an IO such as the XOR function to effectively randomize and thus isolate all JavaScript source of a web page. The isolation is achieved since all code has been transposed to a new domain: the XOR domain.
When the user clicks that link, the application renders the password reset form inside the usual site layout, which may contain references to assets loaded from a trusted content delivery network (CDN) or an analytics package such as Segment.
When they crash, self-driving Mercedes will be programmed to save the driver, and not the person or people they hit.
The levels of deception demonstrated by representatives of the combined company have led to Mozilla’s decision to distrust future certificates chaining up to the currently-included WoSign and StartCom root certificates.
I do not wish to spend the rest of my life with the regret of having been a part of Erdoğan’s insanity, so I’m out.
Bolt is an open source Content Management Tool, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all: It’s a joy to use.
Small framework for server-rendered universal JavaScript webapps, built on top of React, Webpack and Babel
Between October 21st and 25th, Smashing Magazine became completely unavailable for a majority of visitors.
Provide your code with an emulated ES2015 environment by either requiring babel-polyfill, or requiring the babel-runtime module plus the babel-plugin-transform-runtime transform
"I like the fact that it’s not a typical office space - just white desks and walls," Montano told Business Insider. "I like the flexibility of using the restaurant space and feeling part of the city."
There was obviously a lot of confusion about how HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) worked
For the reload case, immutable saves hundreds of HTTP transactions and improves the load time of the dynamic HTML by hundreds of milliseconds because that no longer competes with the multitude of 304 responses.
We who wrote the Manifesto for Agile Software Development did our part – the arm now moves. We are not the people to write the next part.
Microsoft is different now. The evil masterminds are all retired.
New training technique would reveal the basis for machine-learning systems’ decisions.
If Satan was a web developer
October 2016 - Browser Preview announced with multiple interoperable implementations
I made this useful table with all the cases
Imagine a world with no foreign keys.
Ever wondered what a package manager is made of? Why are lockfiles considered bad practice for libraries but good for apps?
I’d go for open salaries purely for that reason: much more high quality peer-to-peer feedback.
We need to remind companies that we’re more than metrics. We’re real people with busy lives.
ett nytt segment bland techbolagen – demtech, med lösningar som verkar för en framtid som inte präglas av ett mer slutet, rasistiskt och exkluderande svenskt samhälle
Jag säger absolut inte att du ska sluta med användningstest. Jag menar att användningstest är en dålig metod för att validera hypoteser.
Move and resize windows with ease
Developers have long waged holy wars over whether code indentations should be tabs or spaces. I’ve found that network admins feel similarly about TTL length.
The question you have to consistently train everyone to ask: does this new technology that’s happening or that’s being released make it in any way cheaper, faster or easier for our customers to make progress in their lives? That’s the repetitive question you have to ask, whether you see Bluetooth or WiFi or cloud or mobile or touch or voice or audio or messaging or bots. You name it. Because if it does make it cheaper, faster or easier for customers to make progress, they’ll go there, and you’ll be busy writing up JIRA tickets.
Front-end fatigue is very real. I’ve seen a number of posts on JavaScript fatigue but I think the problem extends further than that specific language.
When you can, take the time to dig through the caves of your own software and ask questions about past decisions and lessons. Then, write down what you learn
The ability to concentrate without distraction on hard tasks is becoming increasingly valuable in an increasingly complicated economy. Social media weakens this skill because it’s engineered to be addictive.
Single-tasking is one task at a time, zero distractions.
Göteborgsbolaget Adfenix har i tysthet byggt upp en mångmiljonaffär på att hjälpa mäklare att annonsera på Facebook.
Code Review should be a tool and not an obstacle. Benefits of Code Review are knowledge transfer, increased team awareness, and finding alternative solutions.
Offboarded Customers are Humans, Too!
Optimizing web pages for print is important because we want our sites to be as accessible as possible, no matter the medium.
This guide is by and for engineers who use AWS. It aims to be a useful, living reference that consolidates links, tips, gotchas, and best practices. It arose from discussion and editing over beers by several engineers who have used AWS extensively.
...or how bend npm3 to your will
Our content has now been served over HTTPS for two months and we thought it was time to share some of the reasons, processes and challenges behind the project.
eftersom vi inte har några vettiga egna arbetsplatser, väljer folk att jobba hemma istället.
Powerful component libraries & styleguides that fit the way you work.
Render 2016
Make a HTTP GET request to this address from your cron job, daemon, script or long running task. When this address is not requested for a set time period, you will get alerted.
Reduce the attack vector greatly by limiting the permissions an evil crafted submitted file from a hacker have
We’ll have a bot that represents our interests in terms of finding products and services. The bot will know our preferences and our context. More importantly, the bot will know how to efficiently communicate with other bots to get a task done:
Here’s our take on looking at the past, understanding the present, and anticipating what the future holds for UX.
Technical debt is acceptable as long as you have intentions to settle; it can be a valuable solution to a business problem, provided the right approach is taken afterwards.
Change in itself triggers fears, and change without seeing the need or understanding what the intentions are and how the change will affect them will trigger a sense of losing control. That normally brings people into an anxious defensive mode and they will do anything they can to block what you are trying to do.
Amazon has created a small Seattle grocery store that allows customers to just take what they want off the shelves and leave, without having to wait in line or check out with a cashier.
Tests are a code quality, not code correctness, metric. This is particularly true for newer programmers or those struggling to write maintainable code.
Have you ever felt like a fraud and the whole world is going to find out that you’re really not as competent as other people think? Do you feel like your success is because of luck or timing but not your own skills? Then you are not alone! This concept is well known and is called the Impostor Syndrome. It’s not limited to software development but it’s very common in our field.
Simple, Powerful Blog Publishing Platform
Pantone has selected a decidedly optimistic new color of the year: 2017 will be the year of Greenery
Developer Holiday
Hemnet är ett fantastiskt varumärke som svenska folket använder väldigt ofta. Vi tror verkligen att det är en diamant som kan slipas vidare.
it’s usually safer to be delightful on the screens that a user won’t see too often
See which news publications have the most secure HTTPS implementation
Best practices for using cryptography and privacy by design to improve security and protect user data from well-resourced attackers and oppressive regimes.