Examples of Great URL Design
When I reflect on examples of great URL design I’ve encountered through the years — URLs that, when I saw them, I paused and thought “Wow, that’s really neat!” — these are a few that come to mind.
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
When I reflect on examples of great URL design I’ve encountered through the years — URLs that, when I saw them, I paused and thought “Wow, that’s really neat!” — these are a few that come to mind.
”De AI-baserade “bottar” som finns idag upplevs snarare som besvärande än värdeskapande och driver frustration och missnöje hos kunder som vill ha hjälp”, avslutar Johan. ”Det finns fortfarande ett stort gap mellan retoriken kring artificiell intelligens och vad som faktiskt levereras, och detta gäller inte bara inom bankbranschen”.
Curated collection of A/B test results from best-in-class apps
Founder mode does not mean hands-off delegation, but it also does not mean micro-managing. It is a manifestation of the passion for the customer and the problems to be solved, with the goal of collaborating closely with product teams to discover and deliver winning solutions.
Give a book 50 pages. When you get to the bottom of Page 50, ask yourself if you're really liking the book. If you are, of course, then great, keep on reading. But if you're not, then put it down and look for another.
Processes like OKRs fall apart not because people don't understand them but because they lack meaningful feedback, have unclear goals, are buried under conflicting incentives, or have learned to distrust the system. Zombie processes arise when we don't address these factors.
The team reworked turn-by-turn street directions to include navigational landmarks to help orient people, signal turns, confirm direction, and error correct. The team worked through several iterations before finally landing on a solution that emphasized landmarks, but also subtly included road names
Offline HTML5 validator. Validates either a full document or a smaller (incomplete) template, e.g. from an AngularJS or Vue.js component.
The key thing to understand here is that when you get overwhelmed in engineering management issues this often is just a symptom of a simple root cause. Your organization has become reactive rather than proactive.
There is little to suggest that automatic programming of LLMs via Prompt Engineering is a simpler paradigm to create programs than just coding them, particularly once we get to maintenance, which represents the cost of the software.
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