Free for developers
This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.
Web components are a divisive topic. They were once expected to revolutionize frontend development, but they’re still struggling to achieve industrywide adoption. Some developers say web components have already died, while others think they’re the future of web development.
Most of the time a product manager or entrepreneur gets started, they don’t know what the future use cases will be. But for data to be useful to other apps, you have to decide what goes on/off chain. This sounds simple, but is very hard for any dynamic fast-moving product space.
Remix enables me to build amazing user experiences and still be happy with the code I had to write to get there.
Någonting i luften lät, men det var inte en helikopter. Sedan sa de plötsligt från larmcentralen att de skickat en defibrillator med en drönare.
We need a better standard for Go application design. I suggest a better approach. By following a few simple rules we can decouple our code, make it easier to test, and bring a consistent structure to our project.
When we all believe "we’re in it together", we’re more likely to be effectively collaborating rather than competing against each other at the expense of broader goals.
Set a redirect from /.well-known/change-password to the change password page of your website. This will enable password managers to navigate your users directly to that page.
Here’s my gist of how distributed companies evolve.
A web framework powered by React and Vite that aims to have a developer experience similar to Next.js. Many of its features are also inspired by Svelte Kit.
In the Ethereum mempool, these apex predators take the form of "arbitrage bots." Arbitrage bots monitor pending transactions and attempt to exploit profitable opportunities created by them
I discovered that it would be trivial for anyone to mint tokens to themselves for free, but then burn them in exchange for all of the Ether in the contract. My heart jumped. Suddenly, things had become serious.
To NFT fans, then, a right-clicker is someone who doesn’t understand NFTs and will never get that to view the Mona Lisa online is quite different from having the ownership receipt for the Mona Lisa stashed somewhere.
These client APIs are not using anything to verify blockchain state or the authenticity of responses. The results aren’t even signed. An app like Autonomous Art says "hey what’s the output of this view function on this smart contract," Alchemy or Infura responds with a JSON blob that says "this is the output," and the app renders it.
Qwik is designed for the fastest possible page load time, by deliving pure HTML with near 0 javascript for your pages to become interactive, regardless of how complex your site or app is. It achieves this via resumability of HTML and ultra fine-grained lazy-loading of code.
I’ve now had the opportunity to take the journey from CTO to that role. This is what I’ve learned so far from the experience with the caveat that the list continues to grow.
Super lightweight First-class TypeScript support Custom Middleware Support Well-organized submodules for à la carte functionality Includes Router with support for pattern definitions Familiar Request-Response handler API Supports async/await handlers Fully treeshakable
Web3 is going just great...and is definitely not an enormous grift that’s pouring lighter fluid on our already-smoldering planet. 2021 – 2022 timeline by Molly White
Each NFT’s metadata will be linked to a plot of a tennis court surface in the real-life tournament. If the winning shot from a match in the AO lands on that plot, the NFT metadata will be updated in real-time to reflect the match’s outcomes
Product management in media is the perfect hybrid of content management from journalism and product management from tech. It’s not journalism and technology side by side (like it is in most media companies). It’s the hybrid of these.
Editors need to help craft the way their content gets presented to their readers. They themselves don’t have to be designers, coders or even, strictly speaking, ticket-moving product managers. They do need to have a seat at the same table as those other people, and explain the way their content will be most valuable, come to consensus, and then work with those other colleagues to help spec out, design, build and release the code that can bring that value to the reader.
Building feature-based roadmaps makes life easy for managers. It’s easy to point to a date and feature and ask, "Is it done?" Based on the answer it’s easy to determine whether the team deserves a reward or not. When your roadmaps change to questions about outcomes, the answer will rarely be binary.
Why did this happen? Let’s take a look at the basics of Clubhouse as a business, not as a cultural phenomenon.
The DNS Security TXT standard extends the work done by security.txt to simplify answering this question by taking advantage of DNS, arguably the most ubiquitous system on the Internet.
As companies and agencies get larger, they start to value the importance of "process" over the "product." And by product, I mean the creation of new hardware, services, software, tools, operations, tradecraft, etc. People who manage processes are not the same people as those who create product. Product people are often messy, hate paperwork, and prefer to spend their time creating stuff rather than documenting it. Over time as organizations grow, they become risk averse. The process people dominate management, and the product people end up reporting to them.
This field guide helps to navigate crises using the Cynefin framework as a compass.
The name Roadmap was a clever bit of marketing for release plans. However it’s clear that this tool, whatever you call it, has run its course. Today we know it makes no sense to commit months and quarters in advance to specific product/business ideas based on opinions, consensus and weak evidence.
The job of a product manager of an empowered product team is to be responsible and accountable for addressing value and viability risk. The designer covers usability risk, and the tech lead covers feasibility risk. Together, they create a product.
Here's a running list of all 4-day work week companies - and jobs they offer - in the world. Learn about each policy, and working hours. Build a better company. From home. Here are all of the companies that have made announcements that they’ll implement a four-day work week as a trial or permanently.
In the frenzy to attract venture capital funding and draw new users and investors into blockchain technologies, While blockchain proponents speak about a "future of the web" based around public ledgers, anonymity, and immutability, those of us who have been harassed online look on in horror as obvious vectors for harassment and abuse are overlooked, if not outright touted as features.
We believe that the builders of things are best fit to decide on what tools to build with. And that this is an opportunity for the organization to learn new technologies, methodologies, and ways of working. However, this also may come with some costs.
Partytown is a lazy-loaded library to help relocate resource intensive scripts into a web worker, and off of the main thread. Its goal is to help speed up sites by dedicating the main thread to your code, and offloading third-party scripts to a web worker.
Ingenstans nämns vilken konkret nytta satsningen skulle ge användarna. Det är i själva verket typiskt att man börjar med den tekniska lösningen.
Remix apps get their speed from backend infrastructure and prefetching. Next.js gets its speed from SSG. Since SSG has limited use cases, especially as features and data scale, you will lose that speed.
Raph Koster, CEO of Playable Worlds, has been making online worlds for more than a quarter of a century. He warned us about how tough it is. VentureBeat "We’ve had online worlds for 44 years, and any vision of the metaverse is built on top of the idea of online worlds, whether you call them online worlds, MUDs (multi-user dungeons), virtual worlds social worlds — it doesn’t matter."
A team of just engineers is a delivery team. Cross-functional teams focused on output are feature teams, not product teams. Being on a feature team is frustrating for PMs, engineers, & designers alike. The ideal is an empowered, outcome-focused XFN product team.
...doing what we can to help more companies learn to operate like the best. But there’s little doubt in my mind that we are losing that battle, especially globally. The global rise of SAFe is proof enough.
"Hey, here’s a net promoter score question: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?" Those aren’t great questions. They may be necessary for dashboards and reports, but what I found is that companies, analysts, marketers, and salespeople have questions to ask, like, "If I could only understand this about our customers, we could do things differently."
I’m going to share with you what my regular work-week looks like as tech-lead of Aftenposten
When "un-teaming", we’re decreasing robustness and increasing fragility, because we can only utilize the Skills Profile of one person, or even a pair, which mathematically will always be below the top-line profile.
Swarming is an ensemble programming style where a team decides on work to be done, and then breaks into groups (usually pairs or larger) which operate in a way very similar to pair programming or mob programming until they complete one piece of work, and then dissolve their group and reform to tackle other work.
Instead of spreading pieces of work among people, we can gather the people to do whole units of work. A multidisciplinary team can do the design together, recognizing issues and opportunities along the way. They can also do the work in deployable, valuable units with end-to-end integration and testing as a normal part of working.
Here are the top three lessons I’ve learned: 1. Avoid broad outcomes 2. One outcome per team 3. Keep metrics simple
We don’t believe programmers intentionally seek to cause pain. Pretty much everyone is just trying to do a good job and be helpful. Still, we all write good code and bad code.
If after many quarters of trying you’re still not experimenting, there may be a deeper issue. It’s a strange thing, but many companies that say they want to experiment, don’t really want to experiment. They want the mechanics, but are unwilling to adopt the underlying philosophy.
Fluid teams organize themselves based on the work at hand. Every time new topics need to be addressed, the people of the fluid teams organize themselves to optimize the chances to succeed with their challenges.
Scan your technical writing for words such as easy, painless, straightforward, trivial, simple and just. Chances are your writing will be clearer as a result of removing them.
Whereas some folks share their experiences as a recommendation, some of us find it more effective to share our experiences anecdotally.
I have no problems with certificate authorities selling EV certs or seals, my problem is when they mislead consumers into believing they actually do something they don’t.
Given everything I’ve looked at and all of the research I’ve been doing on QWACs, I still can’t get away from viewing them as nothing more than a glorified EV certificate.
The root of the issue is that npm added a default behavior that, in many situations, leads to a 99%+ false positive rate, creates an incredibly confusing first programming experience, makes people fight with security departments, makes maintainers never want to deal with Node.js ecosystem ever again, and at some point will lead to actually bad vulnerabilities slipping in unnnoticed.
The success of its ad business is a 180-degree turn for Amazon. In 2009, Bezos famously said "ads are the price you pay for an unremarkable product or service".
How you handle ideas from new programmers sends an important signal. Good or bad, it sets the stage for what they expect. This determines if they share more ideas in the future... or keep their mouth shut.
"If you could only get one thing done this year, what would it be?". If that answer is "institute some new process", go for it. But if it’s something like "increase market share from 30% to 60%" or "launch this new product that will 2x our TAM", don’t waste your time on anything else.
Giving negative/redirecting feedback is a vital skill you'll need for your whole life. It's not a skill that is only useful in the workplace - you're already giving feedback to your friends and family members. Why not learn to be better at it?
Out of curiosity I asked one of my favorite managers with an excellent track record of making significant changes in the organization: "How does one become an Engineering Manager (EM)? How can a developer do the transition?"
My rule of thumb for adding a line of logging is "if we can’t pin down an exact reason or a scenario when we will look at the log, don’t log
All the truth that came true was knowable. The math that didn’t add up was knowable. Overconfidence bias fueled their pursuit. Field wasn’t humble enough to consider where he might go wrong, nor experienced enough in product development to anticipate points of failure.
The attack, amplified with a technique called TCP Middlebox Reflection, abuses vulnerable firewalls and content filtering systems to reflect and amplify TCP traffic to a victim machine, creating a powerful DDoS attack.
Product thinking moves our focus from fast output to outcome and impact
None of the tools in their company captured what actually happened, and who was involved (except for that tiny bit at the end, and their calendars).
If we really want to learn about our business, we need to start by figuring out what we want to learn. Identify the Learning Goal. Specify the Data. Select a Method
Stop reading it. Stop following it. Stop doing what it recommends. It’s outdated, and there’s a 99% chance it wasn’t written for the type of company you work at.
In just a few minutes, we can get your app off the ground and ready to deploy all wired up with a CI/CD pipeline, connected database with a basic data model (via prisma), and even user authentication!
There’s a common and highly destructive pattern I’m seeing time and again (and likely you have too). The leadership team falls in love with a big idea and turns it into a big project. This project becomes the top priority—apparently the future of the company depends on it. Other projects (including yesteryear’s top priorities) are deprioritized or defunded. Competing ideas are squashed like flies.
I’m not a process freak, but I do believe teams should have their house in order. You can get by with very little process overhead. If you figure out a minimally viable version of these eight things, you will be further along than most product teams in the world. Pulling this stuff together may seem boring, but the boring bits can be so important.
Ett exempel på ett kardinalfel är bolag som vill ha in ord som DELAKTIGHET i sin kultur, men samtidigt betalar bonus till bara en liten del av organisationen.
In this discussion, he is trying to point out that the common problem of stakeholders or customers picking their favorite ideas, and putting them on roadmaps, and how just telling their feature-teams to "build it" is destined to result in bad products. He is trying to contrast that with how product works in strong product companies
Vi valde därför att röra oss bort från MySQL som sökmotor och valde istället Elasticsearch, en distribuerad dokument-databas fokuserad på just sök. Det vi nu har landat i är en arkitektur där vår primära data fortfarande ligger lagrad i MySQL men synkas över till Elasticsearch när ändringar kommer in.
There is a clear path to only running browser-only code in the browser at hydration time. Nothing beyond a simple bootstrap to load global event handlers needs to run. No re-running of components. No component-specific code is required to be executed otherwise. Just "resuming" where the server left off.
No problem exists on an island. Every problem is a nested solution to a higher level problem. Every problem is a collection of nested problems.
Prioritization means cutting things that are valuable so I can double down on even bigger goals. If I’m not disappointed by a few items on my "cut" list, like a product I’m excited about but don’t have time to work on or an interesting discussion I can’t join, I’m not cutting hard enough.
Please don’t say just hello in chat. Imagine calling someone on the phone, going hello! then putting them on hold...
Evidence-based product development is not rocket science. Leadership (at all levels) is about choosing goals, not ideas. Execution is about progressively moving towards the goals by considering multiple ideas, testing and learning. This method is far more effective when you face uncertainty (and we all do, even if you’re in a business that has been around for decades). It’s also far quicker and more efficient. Just as important, investing in learning uncovers opportunities that can take you to new places.
A minimal definition of continuous delivery (CD) is required to improve the flow of delivery and achieve the outcomes above. While our contexts may be different, there are universal practices common in all.
Close to 400 companies and anywhere from 50,000 to 800,000 users had no access to JIRA, Confluence, OpsGenie, JIRA Status page, and other Atlassian Cloud services.
When Doug witnessed the anxiety and fear his machine caused among the most vulnerable patients, the experience triggered a personal crisis for him that forever changed his perspective.
I proposed that we differentiate between what I’m calling Opportunity Space Discovery and Solution Space Discovery
It has something to do with them being young, concentrating intensely on the right problems, and remaining open to fresh perspectives.
The main part of the proposal, ServiceMode offers solutions to privacy and performance issues inherent to how service discovery works on the internet. Front and center is the ability to indicate that a service supports HTTPS directly from the result of a DNS query.
They said, "all that matters is that half the ad is in view for one second." That’s the IAB standard. Is that performance? It’s not.
I would encourage more airlines to start thinking about how to incorporate multi-modal transportation in a more seamless way. All these examples raise the question of whether 2022 can be the year where transportation can become more efficient.
Q. What’s the worst leadership advice you’ve heard? A. By far the worst is "Hire great people and get out of their way".
Nothing beats the slow web. It’s the place where you embrace calmness—no rush to be the first to see, hear and share something. Instead, you’ll take it nice and slow and enjoy a well-curated content delivered to you deliberately late.
Create a CSS Glass Effect
Where possible, De-AMP will rewrite links and URLs to prevent users from visiting AMP pages altogether.
Ensemble Enablers from all around - blog posts, practical participation in ensembles, books, ...
Consider instead having the candidate read existing code and talk about what it does and how it works. This offers some powerful advantages
Sally and Jim don’t have any customers. Nor do they have a product. But this directional goal allows them to start interviewing people who match their target customer profile
Most product leaders spend their time doing the necessary evils of their job and get sucked into too many meetings. Here are the areas where I encourage product leaders to spend more (and less) time
The goal is to make Luna Park "something you would do even if your boss didn’t force you," Marmel said. It’s a high bar. Getting employees to log into virtual, company-mandated events is a feat, even if the event is supposed to be fun.
The victim tires of this flood of MFA notifications and taps "yes, it’s me" instead of "no, it’s not me."
This is the problem with news in general. It’s not that it costs £125/year. It’s that people don’t think they get £125 or more back from it. The news isn’t helping them make smarter decisions, or giving them a good enough time to be worth spending so much.
With its servers down, the Insteon app appears worthless, and users’ automations and schedules have stopped working.
Simon Wardley examines the issue of situational awareness and explains how it applies to technology. Using examples from government and the commercial world, he explores how we can map our environment, identify opportunities to exploit, and learn to play the game.
Resources related to Mob Programming for the Introverted
If you start with a hypothesis before your research, you’re getting the Scientific Method out of order. And you might create flaws or biases because you have already selected a point of view, solution, or possible answer to the question before you’ve observed and researched.
In the Akutars sensible contract code, there is a programming error that prospects to a code conflict, creating it unattainable for the crew to meet the withdrawal ailments.
CSS file that makes your webpage look good with just 144 bytes. With these 144 characters of CSS you get most of the browser defaults, with a tiny set of tweaks to make the page look more modern.
The four most important typographic considerations for body text are...
A good line-height for body copy is at least 150% of the font size, with more line height for smaller text, and less line height for larger text.
The website is a knowledge sharing resource for the various tracking protection mechanisms implemented by the major browsers and browser engines.
Remix relies on CDNs and cache control headers to get the best web performance possible. Here we’ll compare various caching strategies, including Static Site Generation and Increment Static Regeneration, and compare the tradeoffs.
Implementing right-to-left language support is quite a time- and brain-consuming task. But it makes the usage of our platform much easier and more inclusive for the users.
It happened gradually so you may have missed it, but Twitter has grown up. It started as a struggling three-tierish Ruby on Rails website to become a beautifully service driven core that we actually go to now to see if other services are down. Quite a change.
The entire domain name—and all wildcard entries—point to and ::1. So without any changes to your host file you can immediate start testing with a local URL.
We can try to apply a modification of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) technique. Let us take a look at what this technique consists, and then apply it to the TSP once we understand it better.
It became pretty clear to me that the chasm between "product" and "business" is a lot about different mental models.
If people have a question, they will decide which webpage to go to based on their estimate of (1) how likely it is that the page will provide an answer to their question, and (2) how long it’s going to take to get the answer if they go to that page.
Every click or interaction should take the user closer to their goal while eliminating as much of the non-destination as possible.
The Read More button allows designers to hide bulk content to provide users with faster access to below-article content (and hopefully less reason to abandon the site before they find relevant content).
At the time I wrote this post there were no examples of this, so it took me some time to figure out how to do it. The following snippet shows you how to send a tweet, but you can use any API method you want.
In this exclusive interview, she guides other engineers up and down the org chart as they weigh their next career moves, leaning on the frameworks and lessons she’s pulled from in her own career. First, she uncovers a few under-the-radar traits that set the most impactful engineers apart from the pack.
Engineering Managers (EMs) don’t intentionally set out to fail. Instead, they are often set up for failure. But even if they are set up for success, there are some common ways new Engineering Managers fail.
A number of other search engines had their chance at glory, and most of them failed. You might even remember some of them. Here are some of the most famous search engines before Google.
Your job is to get everyone into a place of true collaboration with broad shared context and clear goals. You should solicit the help and feedback of your stakeholders when you create your (outcome) goals, but then ask them to give you room to try out multiple ideas. When you make decisions, back them by evidence, and share broadly.
Too often, we force ads on users without considering the likelihood that they’ll stay or leave. But if we assessed our products and understood what the user is doing and might expect at different parts of their journey, we’d be able to identify better advertising experiences.
Recorded talks from LiU Game Conference 2021. Machine Learning For Believable AI Characters, How to make great animations in AAA productions, Algorithmic Bias – Why And How Do Computers Make Unfair Decisions...
Journalists should add much more context to their breaking news stories and pay more attention to slow structural processes such as climate change. News organisations should report the news in a way that reminds audiences of their own agency.
If you needed a hackathon in order to demonstrate a product idea, then that usually means in my experience that your weekly workflow doesn’t allow for room for suggesting new ideas.
By working in a modular way, we are not restricted to creating completely new articles every time there is an update. The work of creating new content might be restricted to writing or editing just one or two modules, which themselves would update or create multiple story versions.
What an unimaginable horror! You can’t change a single line of code in the product without breaking 1000s of existing tests. Generations of programmers have worked on that code under difficult deadlines and filled the code with all kinds of crap.
If you are a mess explorer, consider whether it helps you to expose all of the mess in public. Are you overwhelming people? Is it helping your cause?
If you’re seeing this warning, then don’t worry. Your code is correct, and your shared content will display properly.
Web Crypto is a cryptography API available in modern browsers and Cloudflare Workers that can be used to sign messages and verify message signatures using Hashed-Based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC).
You have one of the most unique opportunities to execute monetization on a global content platform ever. DON’T TAKE A GENERIC ADS APPROACH!!!
Sunder allows you to quickly build websites and APIs in a modern async structure on Cloudflare Workers. Think of Sunder as Express or Koa for serverless.
Hono - [炎] means flame🔥 in Japanese - is a small, simple, and ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers and Service Worker based serverless such as Fastly Compute@Edge.
Will your code work with assistive technologies?
The next generation of "The Edge" — technologies like Deno deploy, Cloudflare Workers, and (increasingly) many others — promise to combine static-content CDNs with dynamic-content servers, so you can deliver static assets and dynamic content requiring compute from the same network—think traditional SSR but distributed, as if an origin server and a CDN had a baby.
What if your subscription was an NFT in the blockchain? Think about some of the interesting things you can do with NFTs
We have a couple of experts with us on this weeks Productbeats Show: Michelle and Carl from Hemnet! It was amazing you have you both on the show. Be sure to watch the recording and presentation linked at the top of this post.
Vad påverkar människors val att ta del eller inte ta del av nyheter? Vilken journalistik lockar, vilken stöter bort? Den här rapporten från Medier & demokrati ger nya och unika inblickar i hur sällananvändare i åldersgruppen 20–40 år resonerar om nyheter och samhällsjournalistik.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the opening of Disneyland Paris in April, the park launched a show featuring 150 colour-changing drones that swarm around the centrepiece Sleeping Beauty Castle before the nightly fireworks show.
A good idea is not just the one sentence which gains you entrance to the maze. It’s the collection of smaller tweaks that defines a path through the maze, along with explanations of why this particular combination will work while others nearby have failed. Note that this requires an extremely detailed understanding of your current and potential competitors; if you believe you don’t have any competitors, think again until you’ve found the most obvious adjacent market. This exercise is of crucial importance; as Larry Ellison said, "Choose your competitors carefully, as you will become a lot like them."
The network is reliable Latency is zero Bandwidth is infinite The network is secure Topology doesn’t change There is one administrator Transport cost is zero The network is homogenous
Search is a deceptively complex field, where competence is hard-won through training, practice, and experience. The list stands at a total of 105 falsehoods.
A falsehood is an idea that you initially believed was true, but in reality, it is proven to be false.
At a casual glance, the land appears uniform in it’s bronze and neon aesthetic, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll see that each area has its own style and together represent the history of the future.
Oblique strategies by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt is a set of over 100 prompts, each of which is a suggestion of a course of action or thinking to assist in creative situations
I call the pattern: We’re Trying to Do Product, But We’re Handed an Incredibly Overwhelming List of Prescriptive Projects Disguised as Problem Statements With Overly-Ambitious Business Impact Forecasts
These inputs are great inspiration for what to explore in your upcoming interviews. If customers are requesting a feature over and over again, interview them. Ask them what they are doing that is creating that need. Collect the full story.
You need to be able to qualify even without selling to everyone first. The ones that survive stop selling to everyone early enough and are able to attract funding, the ones that continue to waste time on unqualified customers usually fail.
Infrastructure should progressively grow with your workloads and team. How can you choose the right technology now so that you can maximize growth and minimize pain later when you inevitably outgrow it?
The teams modify the files, create a pull request, and then the CDN team inspects it before deployment using that special tool. This ensures system functionality while still cutting down processing time significantly, aside from the obvious benefits of transparency.
We’ve automated how you digitally sign and check components, for a safer chain of custody tracing software back to the source.
Effective altruism is a philosophy and community focused on maximising the good you can do through your career, projects, and donations.
Tågkartan, en tjänst från Trafikverket, där du i realtid kan följa de över 3000 persontåg som under ett normalt dygn avgår från någon av Sveriges 560 stationer.
10 Modern CSS layout and sizing techniques that highlight just how robust and impactful a single-line of styling code can be
Vanity metrics make us feel good but don’t help us do better work or make better decisions. Vanity metrics put optics before rigor, learning, and transparency. The metric and/or an outcome is heralded as a win, but things don’t add up.
As a product leader you can’t expect everyone to give you "actionable feedback". And you can’t expect everyone to give you feedback in the same way.
We collect evidence of various types and gradually build a better understanding of the idea. We start with cheaper modes of validation (assessment, data gathering, early-stage tests), and move to more expensive ones only if the idea still looks good.
Prioritizing research to help your team understand your target audience and their needs before you start ideating on solutions or thinking about features will help your team create and deliver truly useful and validated experiences.
We used Unreal Engine to drive the graphics. UE is software from the video gaming industry, but it’s also become a big part of the film-making industry. We’ve only scratched the surface with this Masterclass round, and we hope to bring more XR workouts to Les Mills in the future.
The fake "offer" was delivered in the form of a PDF document, which the engineer downloaded — allowing spyware to infiltrate Ronin’s systems. From there, hackers were able to attack and take over four out of nine validators on the Ronin network — leaving them just one validator short of total control.
Given a Linkedin post URL we can extract the UTC timestamp which isn’t otherwise available in frontend metadata.
For every feature we build, I try to think not only about how it feels for the people who use it, but also how it feels for the people who don’t. Does it add more cognitive load? Could they stumble upon the feature and be confused? Will they see the feature every day and never use it, and over time, start to feel like the whole app is "not meant for them"?
Self-hosting is the practice of hosting and managing applications on your own server(s) instead of consuming from SaaSS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own server(s).
The multi-cloud fully managed Postgres with a generous free tier. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.
The most powerful razors I’ve found:
A compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch. It’s a great way to learn.
Fresh is a new full stack web framework for Deno. By default, web pages built with Fresh send zero JavaScript to the client. The framework has no build step which allows for an order of magnitude improvement in deployment times.
A script to highlight elements that are mismatched incorrectly to @font-face blocks, which may result in shoddy faux bold or faux italic rendering.
SPF macros, a seldom used yet widely supported feature of the SPF specification, provide a potential solution to some of these challenges. This article includes an introduction to SPF macros, as well as several examples of how they can be used to solve the various operational complications that SPF so often poses.
This book features real-life stories from product development, traps and fallacies that you should avoid, mental models and frameworks to build the right product. The contents are both theoretical and practical in nature.
Eftersom el måste användas direkt när den produceras så är den billigare när den inte behövs. Detta verktyg läser din konsumtionsdata timme-för-timme, så att det kan jämföras med ett snitthushåll. Appen är möjlig tack vare det trevliga APIet (och människorna) på Tibber.
A neat, scalable folder structure for solo-developers or small teams using Next.js ideal for medium-sized web apps. A simple structure that is: simple enough not to cause analysis-paralysis but that can scale just fine with your projects
In addition to facilitating meaningful connections with friends, the new wave of social media platforms claim to be solving another issue: the increasing pressure to perform, grow a following, and become an influencer on TikTok and Instagram.
19 snippets of best engineering practices that help developers move faster.
A collection of the best design practices.
People-first content creators focus first on creating satisfying content, while also utilizing SEO best practices to bring searchers additional value. Answering yes to the questions below means you’re probably on the right track with a people-first approach
1. How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too), 2. Don’t Listen To Your Customers - Do This Instead, 3. How to speak so that people want to listen, 4...
This issue will only be resolved if Google redesigns the responses generated by these buttons to use a Google domain in the Header From address or if these messages are sent in a way that would not be subject to a DMARC check.
Den har sin början i internets barndom med långsamma modem och HTML-tabeller och frames, och slutar i ett hypersnabbt och intelligent internet of things 2018 och ett internet vars neutralitet hotas från alla de håll.
CalVer is a versioning convention based on your project’s release calendar, instead of arbitrary numbers. Versioning gets better with time.
Compatible Versioning ("ComVer") is SemVer where every PATCH number is 0 (zero). This way, ComVer is backwards compatible with SemVer. Increment the MAJOR version when you make backwards-incompatible updates of any kind, MINOR version when you make 100% backwards-compatible updates.
When I say market fit, I mean discovering ‘market pull.’ What makes a customer need or want your product enough that they take immediate action to learn more, try, or buy? And what makes this pattern repeatable?
The interesting aspect of the cost of delay is that it helps evaluating optimizations (e.g. reducing debt, fixing bugs, ...), additions (e.g. adding features), and improvements to the production capacity (e.g. improve process, tooling, diagnostics, etc.)
Imagine how much faster we could grow if we had those insights in real-time and could take quick action to respond. Here are a few tactics that have helped me get hard but useful feedback.
Enhance is a web standards-based HTML framework. It’s designed to provide a dependable foundation for building lightweight, flexible, and future-proof web applications.
En ny rapport från Sveriges Ingenjörer visar att möjligheter till distansarbete är avgörande för att attrahera ingenjörer. För 9 av 10 är det viktigt att kunna arbeta på distans. Över hälften skulle avstå från att söka jobb hos en arbetsgivare där distansarbete inte är tillåtet.
If you haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on with Stable Diffusion, you really should be. Stable Diffusion is a new "text-to-image diffusion model" that was released to the public by six days ago, on August 22nd.
Jag ser idag två tydliga trender inom digitala event och webinars: Ribban höjs för interaktion – passiva event är ute. Kortare ’attention span’ – längden på digitala event reduceras
How to use both Terraform and the Serverless Framework to create independent parts of your Cloud stack. For the sake of this example, I will use AWS as my Cloud Provider.
With mix-blend-mode finally gaining wide browser-support, we now have access to many of most common shading techniques in CSS. With some choice images and a bit of careful layering it’s possible to build some surprisingly high-quality effects without the need for introducing any JS dependencies.
As a company moves from sales-driven feature teams to empowered product teams, there are some fairly significant changes to how the product teams need to interact with customers.
DiffusionBee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
There are things for which TikTok is an absolutely useful search engine, even if TikTok’s algorithm and content aren’t quite tuned for that yet. But for what Google does best, there’s no competition. Ultimately, I don’t think Google is actually nervous about TikTok’s growing search prowess. But YouTube probably should be.
Good First Issue curates easy pickings from popular open-source projects, and helps you make your first contribution to open-source.
A fundamentally new approach to a GraphQL client. It makes using your API enjoyable, by generating queries at runtime based upon the data your app consumes.
Moving is blasting past the decision, and on to the committed work that culminates in putting something real out in the world.
Here are a few best practices you can use to help cultivate an atmosphere of fearless deployments
As a reader (and maybe a developer/programmer/wizard) you are in control, it is your decisions and those of your teammates that will decide whether your code is consumed by fear, or guarded by courage.
We always knew that it would always be possible to speed up slow JS within JS. No Rust/Wasm required. Our bet was that it would be 10x more ergonomic to speed up your app, incrementally, in Rust. This did not hold up in real-world implementations.
Jag vill inte klättra, jag vill vila. Jag vill ha politiker som säger att det är önskvärt att vi som samhälle vilar. Läs en roman, gott folk, ska de säga, laga en gryta, gå ut i skogen. Det är inte för ditt bästa, utan för världens.
With the expanded product basket, the Startup Plan v2.0 provides four times the value of the original program. As an added bonus when new Cloudflare products are in beta, participants on the Startup Plan are welcome to share their use case and potentially receive early access.
Good product management is all about choosing the "right" product paths, but "right" is only obvious in hindsight. is a community effort to create roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help guide the developers in picking up the path and guide their learnings.
Local-first ideals include the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data.
Product and engineering leaders tend to be analytical, and we think of prioritization as an algorithmic problem. Unfortunately, other execs see a different kind of problem...
Grad students at Northeastern successfully pushed back against invasive digital surveillance in their workplace, through solidarity, fearlessness, and the bright light of publicity. It’s a tale of hand-to-hand, victorious combat with the "shitty technology adoption curve."
If you’ve ever wondered how small, empowered product teams can so consistently out-produce much larger companies spending much more on their feature teams, this is right at the heart of the answer.
A SuperGoal is a high stakes, focusing goal for a team. It has a clear and urgent timeframe, an open-ended method of achievement, and a single measure of success that everyone can understand.
No matter how much of our time or you brilliant engineers we dedicate to this topic, there’s no way to guarantee that changes to two projects takes effect at the exact same time. There will always be, at minimum, valuable seconds (and hundreds of requests) between one service starting up with the new version and another.
Given the owner of Next.js is vercel and Next.js doesn’t even support deploy on vercel itself, it’s very unlikely Next.js will ever officially support deploy on Cloudflare (or any other platforms).
A constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free and without attribution.
OKRs don’t work for pre-PMF startups. Here are two other frameworks that are a better fit early stage projects.
"Generic errors are the result of bad development and product. ... We must all care about it together."
Seven team members were distracted from their work, participated in 20 seconds of a 7-minute meeting, and left no better informed.
The Real Work directly adds value to the products we make and to our colleagues with whom we make it. The Bureaucratic Silliness is assigned to us, and we are obliged to comply.
The most popular architecture employed by web developers today is the Single Page App (SPA), but we are transitioning to a new and improved architecture for building web applications.
Let’s take a look at some CSS features that might one day make their way to the browser... or not!
Claudia, a current TikTok moderator, told the Bureau she felt anxious and panicked at work after watching successive videos of people eating live animals. These trending videos were impossible to escape and triggered a phobia of hers. "I would just cover my screen and wait for 10 seconds to pass," she said.
You can now deploy Next.js applications which opt in to the Edge Runtime on Cloudflare Pages. Next.js is the fourth full-stack web framework that the Pages platform officially supports
All your Outstatic documents and collections are saved as Markdown files in your Github repository. In other words, all saved content creates a commit.
Tailwind v3.2 provides quite a bit more to cram into your ditty bag of styling powers. You’ll have to decide when it reaches that inflection point where its use consumes more time and brainpower than it saves.
Advocates of the Inverse Conway Manoeuvre tell us that all we have to do is to reorganise teams to get a better system design. But, if the software itself, the sociotechnical environment that creates it, and the beliefs the people hold about the system, are all systems in their own right, and they’re all impacted by the organisation’s communication structure, then applying the Manoeuvre becomes a lot more messy.
Experimentation isn’t just another process we add to the development cycle, it’s a complete shift in how we develop products. We have to be much more humble and curious, and to let the evidence guide us
I feel like AI can kind of mimic brush textures and rendering, and pick up on some colors and shapes, but that’s not necessarily what makes you really hireable as an illustrator or designer.
Many founders don’t realize that their culture is largely the result of their own actions. Your personal strengths will be made into strengths of the company and so will your weaknesses.
As an entrepreneur, you would typically want to rely on your team rather than be permanently suspicious. This is precisely why you’ve hired trustworthy professionals in the first place.
A single tool to configure, orchestrate and manage your entire billing stack.
Practical CSS and design tips that helps in building future-proof user interfaces.
Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
Colemak Mod-DH introduces a minor modification to the Colemak keyboard layout, designed to make typing more comfortable.
What if Twitter had set itself up as as creator business and made the consumer user base secondary? What if the real users were the 1% creators (journalists, entertainers, thinkers, writers)?
When you publish your thoughts on Twitter, you are doing labor for that company. Yes, you get followers, but you can’t take them with you.
Create a set of lush, realistic CSS shadows.
"I love remote work, but I miss the serendipitous moments in the office when I caught up with a coworker while getting coffee and had a breakthrough. How do I make this happen remotely?"
Why using the 8 point grid is the best go-to grid there is, and why it can be applied to almost any digital design project you got going on, but especially product design.
An overview of fines and penalties which data protection authorities within the EU have imposed under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, DSGVO)
All the best samples of calendars, planners, event managers, and other datepicker variations. Either it’s aimed to get you into the states and use cases of calendars UI design and inspire you to design better data picker.
We’re building a new search engine from scratch, using the same ideas behind DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. It understands language — in the form of prompts — so you can say what you’re looking for in all the expressive and creative ways you can think of.
PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.
Distributed systems provide a particular challenge to program. They often require us to have multiple copies of data, which need to keep synchronized. Yet we cannot rely on processing nodes working reliably, and network delays can easily lead to inconsistencies. Despite this, many organizations rely on a range of core distributed software handling data storage, messaging, system management, and compute capability.
Subdomain Sleuth is a new open source project built by the Yahoo DNS team, designed to help you defend your infrastructure against subdomain takeover attacks.
Dismissing all non-blockchain institutions, pretty much everything in the world, as "web2", is senseless and dangerous. It is equal parts techno-absolutism and techno-solutionism. If technology could solve human follies, with the amount of technology, resources, and wealth that exists out there, the world would be serene with no inequality, war, or environmental destruction. Needless to say, our reality is nowhere close to that.
"I would expect to start seeing significant public-facing problems with the technology within six months," he says. "And I feel like that’s a generous estimate."
Social proof är ett kraftfullt fenomen som visat sig verka i såväl sociala situationer som inom oss som människor. Om tillräckligt många säger en sak anses det vara sannolikt att alla andra talar sanning.
Support for CDS/CDNSKEY/CSYNC updates
Starting out with MongoDB, there are a few things that I wish I’d known about. With general experience, there will always be preconceptions of what databases are and what they do. In hopes of making it easier for other people, here is a list of common mistakes.
When designing a MongoDB schema, you need to start with a question that you’d never consider when using SQL and normalized tables: What is the cardinality of the relationship?
Even if you’ve generated something spectacular, you may feel like it was dumb luck. The AI feels random. But there’s a method to this madness — we call it prompt engineering.
As we add complexity to our products and organizations and relationships, we do so by creating a web of promises and commitments, ranging from explicit and actional to "open loops," "incompletes," and "stuff." Promises are, in effect, dependencies. We can break them — and break the dependency — but that will have a ripple effect elsewhere.
I have long believed every media company should start as a newsletter. From the beginning, you are building something you control. While we can’t control if platforms change their inbox strategies—or Apple introducing MPP—the simple fact that we can push content gives us a significant leg up.
Last week, it started offering users the option to purchase, for a onetime fee of $7.99, not one but two "Important Blue Internet Checkmarks" to display next to their username. "Why, you ask? Why not?" the announcement explained.
Discovery is undoubtedly an indispensable skill for anyone working with product development. But how can you actually do that in practice?
The most exciting thing about Netflix’s culture and feedback systems is the methods themselves depended on experimentation and ongoing feedback. We started with a traditional annual review system, tried more frequent reviews, and eventually eliminated the formal, written review systems in favor of a culture that advocated and helped coach employees to embrace candor and to give and receive feedback more effectively.
They’re dead-simple to build and they’re a powerful tool for site reliability. Unfortunately, many articles discuss how to build them or use them, but best practices are neglected. So we’ll skip the implementation and instead focus on using feature switches effectively.
Discover the best 710 landing page examples created by top-class SaaS companies, and get ideas and inspiration for your next design project.
Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.
Priority is given to making sure the code works. This means making sure it is semantic, functional, accessible and meeting user expectations. Consistency between email clients and pixel perfect design are also important but always secondary.
A compilation of the most interesting findings and implications people have dug out of ChatGPT (with my added commentary, of course)
As the mods explained, ChatGPT simply makes it too easy for users to generate responses and flood the site with answers that seem correct at first glance but are often wrong on close examination.
Ship/Show/Ask is a branching strategy that combines the features of Pull Requests with the ability to keep shipping changes. Changes are categorized as either Ship (merge into mainline without review), Show (open a pull request for review, but merge into mainline immediately), or Ask (open a pull request for discussion before merging).
A collection of high-quality, unstyled components for creating beautiful emails using React and TypeScript.
dbt is a SQL-first transformation workflow that lets teams quickly and collaboratively deploy analytics code following software engineering best practices like modularity, portability, CI/CD, and documentation. Now anyone on the data team can safely contribute to production-grade data pipelines.
Naming things is hard. This sheet attempts to make it easier. Although these suggestions can be applied to any programming language, I will use JavaScript to illustrate them in practice.
Stable Diffusion has shown impressive capabilities of photo-realistic image generation. But is it ready to take a role in journalism? We put the model to the test.
Add some code, help save a life. Koko’s Suicide Prevention Kit provides free resources for everyone in your online community — right when they need it the most. Integration is quick and easy.
Amazon is the latest tech company to take a page out of TikTok’s playbook. The e-commerce giant announced it was launching a new feed in the Amazon app with photos and videos of items users can purchase
A good CI/CD system means developer productivity. What an ideal CI/CD system looks like today.
By playing unexpected moves outside of KataGo’s training set, a much weaker adversarial Go-playing program (that amateur humans can defeat) can trick KataGo into losing.
I am working now for a startup as well and I enjoy it, but I also realise I couldn’t provide such a good service if it wasn’t for the valuable skills I learned working for big corporations.
Should startups disregard code quality so that they can test their product-market fit as quickly as possible? Or should they write high quality code from the get-go? I used to think the former, but an interesting conversation with Kurt Biesemans made me change my mind.
Arc isn’t perfect, and it takes some getting used to. But it’s full of big new ideas about how we should interact with the web — and it’s right about most of them.
So how can we regain authenticity? What if you want to know what a genuine real life human being thinks about the latest Lenovo laptop? You append “reddit" to your query (or hacker news, or stack overflow, or some other community you trust).
I believe there’s a lot to gain from ChatGPT so I want to dedicate a post to its virtues and merits: This one will help you learn which are the best applications for ChatGPT—without entering gray territory—and how to get the most out of it.
From an IT perspective, let’s take a high-level look at the architecture of a single Mastodon instance and how different instances communicate. Specifically, we’ll be looking at how the Mastodon network-of-instances might scale.
Here are the three biggest mistakes that people make with recurring meetings and what you can do about them to help you begin your async-first journey
In-person time isn’t about the "hard work" — the actual tasks we’re paid to complete — that can be done equally well, if not better, remotely and asynchronously. It’s about "soft work" — catching up over coffee in the break room, exchanging gossip, connecting over shared interests — that might not look like work at all, but is essential for any cohesive team.
.fla files are just XML. I just had to parse this, export the relevant data to a simple custom format and write a player to read it, draw the scene, handle input, and run the animations. I’d also have to do something about the ActionScript. Hapland would stay a Flash project, written and maintained in the Flash editor; only Flash Player would be replaced.
People use Pinterest to plan for the future. That means we know what’s next. In fact, for the last three years, 80% of our report predictions came true.
How to use Datadog to monitor all of the metrics emitted by Lambda, as well as function logs and performance data, to get a complete picture of your serverless applications
The NPS Effect explains why less-than-optimal things can persist in business for a long time—even when a good % of the team wouldn’t recommend those things to a friend.
How does ChatGPT actually work? While the details of its inner workings have not been published, we can piece together its functioning principles from recent research.
Wordcels are people who are good with words. Shape rotators are people who are good with math and abstract thought.
Pwning the source prompts of Notion AI, 7 techniques for Reverse Prompt Engineering... and why everyone is *wrong* about prompt injection
I know how to beat XSS, and SQL injection, and so many other exploits. I have no idea how to reliably beat prompt injection! As a security-minded engineer this really bothers me. I’m excited about the potential of building cool things against large language models. But I want to be confident that I can secure them before I commit to shipping any software that uses this technology.
Sorting out future work arrangements, and attending to employees’ inevitable anxieties about those arrangements, will require managers to rethink and expand one of strongest proven predictors of team effectiveness: Psychological safety.