Bruno is a Git-integrated, fully offline, and open-source API client
The online whiteboard of Kristofer Palmvik
Bruno is a Git-integrated, fully offline, and open-source API client
Under Black Week misslyckades många företag med att skapa en relevant och engagerande kundupplevelse. I stället för att använda den tillgängliga datan om kunders tidigare köp eller preferenser, skickade företagen generiska erbjudanden i massutskick. Inte ett enda av de mejl jag fick under veckan var personaliserat eller kopplat till mina tidigare köp.
No small set of metrics can tell you you’re doing a good job. They’re a limited clue. This is why I have a resistance to measuring my work. Reducing my job to numbers ignores most of the most significant parts.
Two to six people is ideal. More than this and you have a department, which is what we're trying to avoid. Less than two people and, well, you don’t have a team.
Glöd eller levebröd är en bok om organisationskultur. Den är en hyllning till människans inneboende drivkrafter, men också en påminnelse om människors behov av ett syfte. Under januari kan du ladda ner den gratis!
A set of high-level guiding principles for approaching web accessibility
I suspect that we could benefit from accepting his theory as a law: the ultimate goal of software design should be (organizational) knowledge building. So the next time you choose a name, or structure a project, or ponder whether to write or omit a certain comment, rather than thinking in terms of the burden on future maintainers, think: how much will this decision affect—how much will it help or hinder—their building of a mental model of the system, of the business, of the world.
We could think of that category as things I’ve found. That’s the purpose of my link blog: it’s an ongoing log of things I’ve found—effectively a combination of public bookmarks and my own thoughts and commentary on why those things are interesting.
Turn websites into LLM-ready data Power your AI apps with clean data crawled from any website. It's also open-source.
Since email is static, we faced the challenge of embedding something dynamic (an 𝕏 post). Given that email-safe HTML cannot embed an 𝕏 post, so we needed to find a way to convert any post to an email-friendly form.
Companies with relatively young, high-quality codebases benefit the most from generative AI tools, while companies with gnarly, legacy codebases will struggle to adopt them. In other words, the penalty for having a ‘high-debt’ codebase is now larger than ever.
For EMs, wartime means leading low-morale teams through ambiguity, hard constraints, frequently changing goals, and intense pressure to perform. It can feel like working in a house on fire. What can an EM do in this situation?
If you are using LLMs, or if you’re directed to do so, you’re about to turn from an author of your own code into a reviewer and maintenance programmer — and maybe a tester, too — for a barely competent programmer producing mountains of mediocre and unreliable code.
Billions of people use our tools every day. We possess the skills to make those tools shine. So, what if we made the world a better place simply by building great ones?
Not sure what colors to use in your designs or where to use them? Happy Hues is a color palette inspiration site that acts as a real world example as to how the colors could be used in your design projects.
When you have a problem with an LLM, prompting should ideally be your first approach. Reach for finetuning, or smarter more expensive models once your prompts are as good as they can be - or you're leaving money and performance on the table.
Features are a lot like problems. Problems have problem chains (i.e. problems, solutions, and new problems weave an endless chain that starts over and over again) and features have feature loops (features that lead to more features).
An exclusive list of the most promising SwedenTech startups that have also reached significant valuation milestones over the previous few years.
Getting out of the daily grind of people's conjecture about what might happen and what is likely to happen and instead looking at what actually happens after the fact was a lot easier on my mind.
TrunkVer is a versioning scheme for continuously-delivered, trunk-based applications and systems that don't follow a release scheme. It is a syntax-compatible drop-in replacement for SemVer and replaces the version with meaningful meta data, telling you at a glance what the artifact is, when it was built and where you may find the build log.
If your company is sick, you need to fix it. That means courageous decisions only you can make. You will need to dive in and operate sometimes. That doesn’t mean you create bottlenecks by deciding everything for years to come.
Coops nya AI-reklam har mötts av en kritikstorm på sociala medier. Nu tar matjätten åt sig av kritiken.
One solution to deploy serverless workloads everywhere - Serverless Container Framework (SCF) is a unified development and deployment experience for containers on serverless platforms.
React Scan automatically detects performance issues in your React app. Previously, existing tools required lots of code change, lacked simple visual cues, and didn't have a simple, portable API
35+ fully open-source, accessible components for dashboards and charts. Built with React, Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.
Rails 7.1 adds the ability to define the local variables a template can accept. This helps in precompiling templates during application startup rather than at runtime. To achieve this, we have to add a locals magic comment inside the partial.
We help you find European alternatives for digital service and products, like cloud services and SaaS products.
The hook model—or ‘hooked’ model—is a concept introduced by Nir Eyal to describe how digital products can retain customers by getting them to form habits. Customers repeatedly pass through the four stages of the “hook”: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment. The hook process gets people to acquire an emotional association with the product, prompting them to use it even when there are no external triggers.
You start iterating on your MVP, trying to improve it. But as you add complexity, the system becomes increasingly unpredictable. You’re making changes based on vibes, improving some edge cases while (invisibly) breaking others. This is the stage 90% of companies building AI are in.
You can use our visual editor. You can code. You can self-host or use our cloud. You will get the job done. Let's go!
Meet the system for modern software development. Streamline issues, projects, and product roadmaps.
When all this works, the result is astounding. Small teams of highly competent managers of one can progress at an unbelievable pace. Left to just do their job, they get it done, and are in turn rewarded with that precious job satisfaction of really making a direct, personal difference. There's nothing better than shipping quickly alongside peers you respect highly.
Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents
Explore our collection of innovative European AI services that are shaping the future. Find the perfect tools for your projects or discover new AI experiences.
With the latest iOS and iPadOS betas, users can view AI-generated summaries of reviews left by others on App Store listings.